
发布 2020-03-07 10:22:28 阅读 3435

unit5 where is my ruler?

教学年级: 三年级学生。

课题名称: unit5 where is my ruler?

教材版本: 三年级下册pep english book (人教版)

教学内容: a let’s talk

授课时间: 40分钟。

执教者: 蔡庆章。


1)能够听、说、认读新单词:desk、chair、toy box、in、on、under.

2)能够听懂会说where is ……it’s in /on /under…… on/ in/ under the …?及其回答,并能在实际生活中运用。







1、重点:能熟练运用where is …?it’s in/on/under…. on/ in/ under the …?句型提问和回答物品所在的位置。

2、难点:让学生正确使用in/on/under,其中desk、chair、toy box首次出现,教师在教学中要特别注意。

教师准备:1、单词**(desk,chair,toy box,in,on,under 等词卡)


3、三年英语上册unit 2 b 部分let’s chant的录音。



教学过程。i. warm-up


t: good morning, boys and girls.

ss: good morning. miss cai.

2. oral practice

t: how are you, today?

ss: i’m fine, thank you! and you?

t: i’m fine, too. thanks! where are you from?

ss: i’m from china. …

3. let’s chant ( pep book i unit2 b let’s chant)

where is your mouth? here it is.

where is your hand? here it is.

where is your earhere it is.

where is your nosehere it is.

ii. presentation

1. teach “in/ on/ under”

1) t: (呈现一个盒子) boys and girls, look! what’s this?

ss: it’s a box.

t: (呈现一支铅笔)what about this one?

ss: it’s a pencil.

t: yes. it’s a pencil. where is the pencil? (把铅笔放在盒子里面,并板书划线句子)

ss: in the box.

t: yes. it’s in the box. (带读并板书划线句子)

2) t: (把铅笔放在盒子上面)where is the pencil, now?

ss: on the box.

t: yes. it’s on the box. (跟电脑读“on”,并板书)

3) t: (把铅笔放在盒子的下面,问)look! is it on the box now?

ss: no, it’s under the box. (学生跟电脑读“under”,教师板书)

2. practise

1) 教师随手把文具放在不同的位置,让学生来回答。

t: where is the …?

ss: it’s in/ on/ under the ….

2) pair work(学生两人一组,一人放文具,一人回文具所放的位置)

3. teach “ in/ on/ under the …?

t: i h**e a long ruler, too.(用手比划着说)but where is it? can you

help me to find it?

ss: yes!

t: is it in your desk?

ss: no.(学生到自己的抽屉里寻找,然后回答)

t: on your desk?

ss: no.(学生在自己的桌面寻找,然后回答)

t: under your desk?

ss: no. (学生到自己的桌子下面寻找,然后回答)

t: (教师自己惊奇地发现,说)oh, it’s here. under my book.

thank you for your help. now read after me. in/ on/ under your desk?


4. 1) guessing game (课件呈现)

2) pair work (同桌两人一起玩同样的游戏)

5. let’s talk

1) t: look! who’s that boy? (课件呈现mike形象)

ss: he’s mike.

t: and this is mike’s car. but mike doesn’t know where it is now.

do you know “ where is mike’s car?” now let’s watch! (**课文动画,然后回答问题)

2) watch again and answer the question.

t: where is mike’s car? on the desk?

ss: no.

t: in the toy box?

ss: no.

t: where is it?

ss: it’s under the chair.

t: yes. very good!

boys and girls, remember: put your things away after you playing. don’t put your toys or other things here and there.


3) read after the computer.

4) 分组、分角色进行对话。

5) make new dialogues. (仿照书本对话,学生用自己的文具,根据实际编造新的对话)

6. do the exercises in the activities book on page 29.

iii. homework

1. read the dialogue to your parents.

2. play the guessing game with your friends.

iv. 板书设计。

unit 5 where is my ruler?

a let’s talk

where is the ruler?

it’sthe box.

in/ on/ under the desk?

教学反思:本课时主要是通过情景会话让学生学会提问和回答物品所在位置的句子,使学生在情景中听懂、会说并理解句子 where's ..it's in / on / under...

和on/ in/ under the …?教师通过上册第二单元的歌谣进行热身,接着利用实物直接进行句型 where's...it's in / on / under...

的导入,使学生能更清楚、更易理解。在了解新句型的基础上,让学生帮忙找long ruler引出on/ in/ under the …?句型的学习;接着,利用课件和游戏来巩固句型的学习。

然后让学生带着问题**let's talk 部分的内容,以回答问题、分角色读、等来巩固对let's talk的学习;最后,让学生根据实际编造新对话,从寻找文具扩展到寻找玩具或身边的其它事物,让英语更贴近学生的日常生活,增加学生学习英语的兴趣。但教师还应注意:整节课下来,学生在自主说的方面还有些欠缺,操练不够,因此导致学生掌握得不太牢固。

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