
发布 2020-03-01 19:40:28 阅读 5843



总课时第 1 课时 2023年 8 月20 日。

课题 l1:back to school 共课时第课时。

教学目标:1. learn new words: sandra, cox,physics, recent.

one…the others…, make friends, introduce…to…, look …for….

2. make sure the ss can introduce themselves and their school, grade,new subjects.

about the differences between schools in china and other countries.



key points:

words and phrases.

physics, recent.

one…the others…, make friends, introduce…to…, look …for…

yourself and your school: your new grade, new term, new subjects.

difficult points: compare schools in china and canada

教学方法: task-based language teaching

教具课件:recorder, **********-player.


1. class opening

step 1:teacher’s and ss’ self-introductions.

t: i’m your (new) english teacher from today. my name is ….

you can call me mr./ i’m glad to learn english with you. i hope to be your friend, so i want to know you now.

please introduce yourself to me.…

2. new lesson

step 1: ask the ss to discuss the questions in “think about it.”

step 2: listening and answering:

a) listen to the tape (of the first e-mail) with some questions

b) listen to the tape (of the second e-mail) and answer the following question. (do the same as in section a)

finish “let’s do it” part1.

finish “let’s do it” part2.

step 3: reading and discussing

a) fast reading

b) second reading and further discussion

(five minutes later, collect the result of their discussion.)


翻译:1. 物理学2.最近的。

拓展: 物理的 adj最近 adv


1. be +adj. +to do sth

2. want to do sth

3. talk to \with

4. (两者中)一个…另一个5. 交朋友。



step 4:explanation

key language points in lesson1.

(1) back to…意为“回到什么地方”,to后接名词。

如:i'm rlad you are back to wuhan. 很高兴你回到武汉。

(2) be happy to do sth.表示“很高兴做某事”。这是一个常用句型,即:be+形容词+to do sth.该句型的主语是人,形容词指happy,glad,sad,surprised,thankful等描述人的情感的词。

如:i‘m so glad to see you again. 再次见到你真是太高兴了。


如:physics is my f**ourite subject.

step 5: “let’s do it”

finish in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box.

step 6: work in pairs. discuss :how do you like grade 8? do you h**e a new subject?

example:i like grade 8 very much….

3. class closing

step1:sum up this lesson and end it.

step2:give the students praise and encouragements.

作业设计。step 6: homework

1) read lesson1 by heart. 2) write an e-mail to your friend: introduce your new term.

3) finish off the exercises in the exercise book.

教学反思 教材跟踪训练】


is b___to school from america.

are in g___eight this term.

term we h**e p___i like this new subject.

you i___your new friend to us ?

5. i h**e some r___picture of myself. you can go and h**e a look at my home.


1. this bag is (big) than that one.

2. there (be) about sixty students in our class.

3. every student (h**e) an english book.

4. i was happy (see) my old friends yesterday.

5. we’re in different (family).

h**e some new __teacher)and new __pupil).


1. this is lesson this term.

a. our a first b. an first c. our first d. our the first

2. this is my book. that is .

a. your b. you book c. your a book d. yours

3. it’s fun english at school.

a. h**e, class b. to has, classes c. to h**e, classes d. has, class

4. we arrive beijing at 3:00 in the afternoon.

a. to b. in c. at d. /

5. our class __at 8 o’clock.

a. begin b. beginningc. begins d. began

6. she __her mother.

a. look like b. looks likec. look for d. looks for

1.我的书和保罗的相同。my book ispaul’s.

2.我觉得你应该和你父母谈谈。i think you shouldyour parents.

3.它几乎和七年级一样。it’sthe samegrade 7.

4.收到你的信我很激动。i amreceive your letter.

5.你可以向我们介绍你的朋友。you canyour friendsus.


were very happysee)my classmates and teachers again.


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