
发布 2022-08-14 08:47:28 阅读 3949

学习寄语:where there is a will, there is a way.

单元名称:unit 5

课题:lesson 38 to china , with love

第 1 课时)

学习目标】1.熟练掌握并运用单:war(战争) northeren(北方的) situation(形势) operate(动手术) peace(和平) kill(杀死)blood(血) wounded(受伤的) solider(士兵)

2.熟练掌握并运用词组短语:work as a doctor(作为医生) be well-known for = be famous as(因…而著名) be dying(奄奄一息) give first aid(进行急救) die of / from (死于…) operate on (给…动手术) ;

in the anti-japanese war(在抗日战争)



一: read and answer the following questions.

and where was norman bethune born?

does he do? what do you think of him?

is norman beynune famous?

and why did he come to china?

killed bethune?








1. li ming cut his finger and b___come out.

2. liaoning province is in the北方) part of our country.

good he**ens, our cat is dead. who k___it?

4. my brother joined the army(军队) and became a s___

情况) is very dangerous, we must do something.

6. people all over the world love和平) but hate war.

nurses were looking after the __伤员).



1. he is famous for working as a doctor in wars.

work as a doctor意思是in wars意思是。

1)__a teacher , she always does her best to help the students.

a. for b. as c. with d. by

2)don’t laugh at people when they are __trouble(困境).

a. in

1938, bethune went to northern china because he knew many people were dying in the

anti-japanese war.

be dying意思是in the anti-japanese war意思是。

1)the girl isdie), let’s take him to the hospital at once, will you?

2)a lot of people died __the anti-japanese war.

a. of c. because

bethune is buried in tang county. 本句的意思是该句是。


1)people speak japanese in japan

japanesein japan.

2)people grow rice in the south of china. ricein the south of china.

3)workers make this kind of car in shanghai. this kind of carin shanghai.

4)this farm produce milk and meat

milk and meaton this farm

5) people use knivese to cut things.

knivesfor cutting things.

6) -mum, may i watch tv now?

-if your homeworkyou may watch tv.

a. finish c. is finished finished

7)--how clean your classroom is ! thank you. itevery day.

a. cleans b. is cleaned

c. are cleaning

died of blood poisoning. 本句的意思是。

die of意思是。

die from意思是。

1)my father died __

2)the man died __electric shock(电击).


词组短语:work as a doctor(作为医生)

be well-known for = be famous as(因…而著名) be dying(奄奄一息) give first aid(进行急救)

die of / from (死于…) operate on (给…动手术) ;

in the anti-japanese war(在抗日战争。

当堂训练】一: 填空。

bethune is famous fortr**el) to china.

bethune showed people howgive) first aid.

once operated for sixty-nine hours withoutstop).

bethunebury) in tang county, hebei province.

old man isdie). let’s send him to the hospital at once.

the doctoroperate) on a wounded boy.


bethune is famous for working as a doctor in wars.(划线提问)

norman bethune famous for?

speak english in many countries.(被动语态)

englishin many countries.


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