Unit8Whydon 八年级

发布 2020-03-01 19:38:28 阅读 4711

unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?

一. 重点短语。

1. 相册2. 照顾3. 一整天。

4. 入睡5. 赠送6. 而不是。

7. 用不同的方法8. 来自全国各地9. 说本族语言的人。

10. 鼓励某人干某事11. 取得进步12听说。

13. 查出14. 对---感兴趣15. 与---交朋友。


personal3. receive4. mouse5.

child6. cost7. asleep8.

rather9. instead10. winner11.

interested12. encourage13. suggest14.

besides15. enough

选择题。1. i like to eat vegetablesfruit, so i’m healthy.

a. beside b. besides c. except d. except that

2. the teacher often encourages us __english.

a. learning b. learn c. to learn d. learns

3. my teacher suggests __the english language club.

a. joining b. to join c. taking part d. to take part in

4. singing english songs __li qiang more __learning english.

a. to show; talented b. showing; talents c. to show; talent

d. show; talent

5. it’s a good chance for the students __their __

a. to show; talented b. showing; talents

c. to show; talentd. show; talent

6. chinese can sing english songsnative speakers.

a. as well as b. as good as c. as well d. fluent as

7the way, what does nary like?

i think a book is a good gift for her.

a. on b. with c. by d. in

8. can you pay __the bill?

ok. it’s my turn this time.

a. for b. in c. on d. to

9. it’s too dirty, ann. you should __your room at once.

a. clean up b. use up c. take up d. put up

10. my mother is in hospital. i must __her.

a. take care b. take after c. take care of d. take care for

11. bill said they would h**e a __holiday.

a. two-month b. two month c. two-months d. two month

12. this is gina’s camera. please

a. give it her b. give it to her c. give her it d. give her to it

14. there isnoise in the classroom.

a. too much b. much too c. too many d. many too

15. please give me a call when you __beijing.

a. get in b. reach c. arrive d. reach to

16. the english book is not __as a birthday gift to my little sister.

a. interest enough b. interesting enough

c. enough interest d. enough interested


完成句子。1. 你为什么不和我们踢足球呢?

soccer with us?

2. 钓鱼怎么样?


3. bob,你愿意参加我们的聚会吗?

bobyoucome to our party?

4. 我们去参加博物馆吧!

to visit the museum.

5. 你最好呆在家里做作业。

youstay at home and do your homework.

句型转换。box is too he**y for me to carry.(用so---that句型改写)

2. we didn’t go to shanghai. we went to tibet. (用instead of 合并为一句话)

3. why don’t you get her a pet parrot? (改为同义句)

4. i spent twenty dollars on this souvenir. (改为同义句)

5. the little boy is so old that he can go to school. (用enough 改为同义句)

6. connie is so big that she can’t sleep in the house. (用 too---to改写句子)

7. the coat cost her about 80 dollars.(对斜体部分提问)


1. 妈妈过生日我应该给她买什么?

what should i __my momher birthday?

2. 乔曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?


3. 我想对于一个六岁大的小孩来说,狗是比较合适的宠物。

i think a dog is good pet for a

4. 狗太难照料了。

dogs are __difficult __take care of.

5. 它提供了许多方法使得北京人对学英语感兴趣。

it __ways for beijing tolearning english.

6.在美国, 一些人要求家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。

in the usa, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charitybuy them gifts.

7. 在英语中获得乐趣是个好主意。

that it is


1.礼物2.逗留3.赢4.奖金。5.参观者6.结束7.班长8.驾驶。9.休息不工作10.雨 11.院子12.雨伞。13.雨衣14.潮湿的15.竞赛。16.将来17.再一次。1.在我下一个休息日,我不想开车兜风。2.幸运的是,我们带了雨伞雨衣所以我们没有淋湿。在昨天的唱歌比赛中获得第一名。一 短语互译...


unit8 why don t you get her a scarf?section a 一 teaching goals 教学目标 1 knowledge goals 知识目标 本课时要求掌握以下词汇 a.表示事物名称的名词。scarf,tennis ball dictionary cd cam...


汉语意思摇动,抖动剥皮,去皮增加,添加。英文。汉语意思烤箱,烤炉食物搅拌器倒出,倾倒片,块,段秋天,秋季。英文。掘 地 凿 洞 挖 土锅。接待,服务,提供机器,机械装置。温度,气温,体温盘子,碟子胡椒粉,柿子椒充满,装满最后 最终蜂蜜西瓜勺,调羹食盐干酪,奶酪。漂流者,旅行者,游客。传统的,惯例的英...