
发布 2020-01-02 23:33:28 阅读 2984

unit 2 where are my shoes?

重点】句型where are they? they’re【难点】发音let’s play hide and seek.

turn around and count.

名词复数的发音 cats kites

【过程】一、warm-up/ revisiontongue twister [配套教材三册lesson 28]听录音一起说,逐渐加快语速,增加活动的趣味性。


1 lead-in

教师边说where is my…?(最后寻找的学具),边做要写板书的动作,走到黑板前发现没有粉笔了,于是对学生说:the chalks are too short to write.

where are the long chalks? where are they? 经过学生帮助后,教师用找到的粉笔在黑板上板书:

where are they? they’re in the teacher’s desk.

2 let’s practise [配套录音](1)将let’s practise部分的**打散放在讲台上。


3 learn to say

4 watch and answer

教师**录像,提问:what are they doing?

what are they looking for?

where are the pencils?


keys: they’re playing.

they’re looking for the pencils.

they’re in tom’s book.


hide and seek

(1)3~4个学生组成一个小组,做hide and seek游戏。


(3)打破小组界线,教师从每组中各选择一位学生临时配合做hide and seek,教师计算时间,看该组学生找多长时间内能找到所要找的东西。


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