
发布 2020-01-02 23:40:28 阅读 3305

unit one my name is gina.

1.话题: ****** new friends









1)词汇: clock, hello, hi, and, question, answer, look, first name, last name

2) 语法项目:一般现在时be的用法。


形容词性物主代词my, your, his, her

what's=what is i'm=i am my name's=my name is

3) 语言目标:

what's your name?

my name is gina.

i'm gina. nice to meet you.

unit 1 my name’s gina.

period 1

aims: 1. to h**e the ss know the way of greetings.

2. to h**e the ss introduce themselves and others.

contents: 1. structures or sentences:

a. hi!/ hello!

b. good morning /afternoon /evening.

c. nice to meet you.

d. —how are you?

fine, thanks.

e. what’s your /his /her name?

f. my /his /her name is …

2. words: p100

keys: introduce self

difficulties: introduce self

aids: a projector

step ⅰ lead-in

show the ss some pictures of greetings.

step ⅱ presentation

1. greetings.

show the ss some ways of greetings.

ask the ss to match the greeting sentences with the correct answer sentences.

practice. ask the ss to greet each other in different situations.

2. introduce self.

⑴ question: how to introduce yourself and others?

ask some ss to try to answer it.)

⑵ new structures and sentences.

t: just now i asked you how to introduce yourself and ask others’ names. now please listen to me carefully.

(show the ss some sample dialogues.)

eg.1 a: what’s your name?

b: my name is gina. /i’m gina.

point to the pictures and act the people in them to give examples.)

eg.2 a: what’s his/her name?

b: his/her name is gina.

he/she is gina.

⑶ practice. point to the photos of famous people and ask the ss to make dialogues.

3. show the ss some boys’ names and girls’ names.

step ⅲ practice

1. practice between teacher and the ss.

2. work in pairs then show in class.

3. listening.

section a 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b.

step ⅳ notice.

what’s = what is

i’m = i am

my name’s = my name is

step ⅴ important sentences

hi!/ hello!

good morning /afternoon /evening.

nice to meet you.

how are you?

fine, thanks.

what’s your /his /her name?

my /his /her name is …

period 2

aims: to h**e the ss know the components of an english name.

contents: 1. structures or sentences:

what’s your /his /her first / last name?

2. words: p100

keys: first name, last name

difficulties: the understanding of the difference between chinese names and english names.

aids: a projector

step ⅰ review

1. ask the ss the way to greet people.

2. ask the ss to introduce self and others.

step ⅱ presentation

1. ask the ss what they know about the difference between chinese names and english names.

2. culture notes. tell the ss every part of an english name.

first name (given name)

family name (last name)

middle name (常常省略)

step ⅲ practice

1. show the ss some photos of famous people and ask and answer.

2. section a 3a.

period 3

aims: 1. to h**e the ss master the numbers 0-15.

2. to h**e the ss know how to ask numbers.

contents: words.

2. structures or sentences:

what’s your /his /her telephone number?

keys: ask numbers

difficulties: ask others’ telephone numbers

aids: a projector

step ⅰ review

1. ask the ss the way of greeting and introducing self.

2. ask the ss about english names.

step ⅱ presentation

1. numbers 0-15

show the ss some pictures of numbers.

show the ss the numbers in english.

practice. show the ss some pictures of numbers and ask them to speak out the numbers.

h**e the ss write the numbers 0-15 on their exercise books.

2. ask numbers.

⑴ structures:

eg.1 --what’s your telephone number?

--my telephone number is 6636139

eg.2 --how old are you?

-i’m thirteen.

⑵ practice.

a. work in pairs and ask questions and get your partner’s telephone number.

b. listening.

period 4

aims: 1. to h**e the ss consolidate the numbers 0-15 and how to ask telephone numbers.

2. to make the ss consolidate the components of an english name.

3. to h**e the ss make an id card.

contents: text book p4-p5

methods: h**e the ss work in group and practice the conversation after ****** id cards.

step ⅰ review



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