
发布 2024-03-27 10:15:13 阅读 9872


1. 多**课件、录音机、磁带。

2. 颜色卡片、彩笔。

教学过程。step 1 warm up

1. 开始课程前,将学生分成四组,分别为红、黄、绿、蓝队,表现良好则得一分。课程结束时,分数最多的组为获胜组。

teacher: i’ll divide you into four teams. you are the red team.

you are the blue team. you are the green team. you are the yellow team.

if you did well, you will get one point for your team. at the end of the lesson, the team which gets more points will be the winner.

2. 使用指令,让学生熟悉自己的组别。

teacher:do you remember your team. listen.

red team, stand up. (以手势让学生明白stand up的意思)red team, sit down. (使用手势让学生理解指令的意思)green team, stand up.

green team, sit down.


step 2 lead in

1.游戏:i see something red. 教师说出看到的颜色,学生指向班里有相应颜色的物品。

teacher: let’s play a game. clap your hands and say with me, please.

(将下面的内容作为一首韵句来呈现)look, look, i see something(教师示意学生停止) -red. (学生指向红色的物品,教师判断正误)look, look, i see something --blue. look, look, i see something---green.

look, look, i see something---brown.

teacher: what is brown? i can show you.

(展示棕色的物品,让学生明白其含义)read after me, please, brown. pay attention to the letters ow. they sound / a/.

板书单词)read the word one by one, please. (老师认真倾听学生的发音,随时给予提醒、纠正)


step 3 presentation

1. 导读,引出课文内容,**课文录音,学生倾听。

teacher: (出示教材**,讨论zoom和zip的颜色)what can you see in this picture? oh, you can see zoom.

you can see zip. you can see wu yifan and mike. they are colouring the picture of zoom and zip.

what colour is zoom? listen and find.

2. 展示教材**,讨论内容,使学生深入了解教材内容。

teacher: what colour is zoom? yes, it’s brown.

(指向zoom 眼睛、鼻子)what colour are these? they are black. (指向黑板等教室里能够发现的黑色物品)it’s black.

read after me, black.(板书单词) boys read it, please. girls read it.

what colour is zip? it’s orange. (展示橙色的物品)(板书单词)red team and yellow team, read it one by one, please, orange.

(指向教室内白色的物品)what colour is it? it’s white.(板书单词)green team, say it, please.

blue team, say it please.

3. 再次**录音,学生跟读。

teacher: listen to the tape again. follow it, please.



step 4 practice

1. 以游戏操练单词。


teacher: let’s play a game. i point you say.

when i point to the word, please read it as quickly as you can .


teacher:what colour is it?(展示颜色卡片,请学生一一读出单词,然后将单词卡片打乱顺序,反转,将反面呈现给学生)now, guess what colour it is.

(请学生猜测单词,然后呈现卡片,检验学生的答案)look,it’s ..


teacher:look,these are some letters. put the letters in order, we can see a word.

what is it? yes, it’s red. please guess like this.




2. 以指令活动操练单词。教师说出指令,请学生做出相应的动作。

teacher:show me your red crayon. show me blue. show me green. show me orange. .

teacher:(出示一些文具简画,请每队各派出一个代表来涂颜色)colour the pen red. colour the pencil yellow.

colour the ruler green. colour the pencil box brown.


3. 游戏:simon says.

teacher:red team, stand up. green team, sit down.

yellow team, touch the ground. (老师示范,让学生明白指令的意思)blue team, turn around. (教师示范)

teacher: now change your colour, please. red team you will be black.

yellow team, you will be orange. green team, you will be white. blue team, you will be brown.

listen carefully and do the correct actions. black,black, stand up. orange, orange, sit down.

white, white, touch the ground. brown, brown, turn around.

teacher: it’s game time. let’s play simon says.

when i say, simon says, stand up. please stand up. when i say, stand up.

please don’t do that.


step 5 summary

1. show me red. 教师说出颜色,学生出示相应的颜色的彩笔,然后齐说韵句。

teacher: listen carefully. show me red.

show me brown. show me green. show me white.

.teacher:say a chant with me, please. red, red, show me red.

green, green, show me green. brown, brown, show me brown. orange, orange, show me orange.



2. 总结小组表现,奖励最优小组。

teacher: now let’s count the points of each team. which team is the winner?

congratulations. everybody, please be better next time.




1. colour the bag blue2. colour the book green.

3. colour the pen black4. colour the pencil brown.

5. colour the eraser white6. colour the ruler yellow.


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