
发布 2024-03-26 17:40:10 阅读 8220


学科: 英语年级:七课题 : unit 5 why do you like pandas? section b 2a-2c



1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:s**e, symbol, flag, forget, place, water, danger, cut, down, kill, ivory, over

2) 能掌握以下句型:

—what animal do you like? —i like elephants.

② the elephants is one of thailand's symbols.

③ let's s**e the elephants.


2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点: 通过阅读短文来了解世界各地一些其他动物的情况,让学生们眼界更宽阔。

2. 教学难点 :进行阅读训练,来培养学生们的综合阅读能力。



a: let’s see the ….b: why do you like them?

a: because they’re ….b: where are they from?

a: they are from… c: let’s see the ….

d: let’s see the ….


1 challenge1and 2(for all the class)

2 pairwork : a: what animals do you like?

b: i like…a: why do you like them?

b: because

3 check (√the animals you think are in great danger.

4 (快读)read this website article and check (√the best title for it.

5 (快读) read the article quickly and find out the topic sentence in each paragraph.

6 (细读)read paragraph 1 and answer the question.

they are important because:

1 it is one of thailand’s2 the first flag hadon it.

3 it’s a symbol of

(细读)read paragraph 2 and answer the question.

what can elephants do?

elephants can:

oralso___very wellfor a long time and never

alsoplaces with food and water.

细读)read paragraph 3 and answer the question:

why are elephants in great danger?

they are in great danger because:

peoplemany trees, so elephants are losingpeople kill elephants for___

细读)read paragraph 3 and answer the question

how can they s**e elephants?

to s**e them, we:can’t cut down so many

can’t __things made of ivory.

remember thatis thai elephant day.

延伸language points

1. friendly

friendly为形容词,是由名词friend加后缀-ly构成,意为“友好的”。be friendly to ..意为“对……友好”。

the boy is friendly to old people.

2. our first flag had a white elephant on it. 我们的第一面国旗上就(绘)有一头白象。


3. elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.


1) lost作为形容词,表示“走失的;迷路的;失散的”、“丢失的;遗失的”,常与系动词get或be一同构成短语,表示“丢失;走失;迷路”。

what bad luck! my keys are lost again. 真是倒霉!我的钥匙又丢了。

the little girl can’t find her home. she gets lost.


2) lost还经常直接用于名词之前,做定语修饰名词。

a lost child 走丢了的孩子。

the lost tourists 迷了路的游客们。

a lost watch 被人遗失的手表。

4. but elephants are in great danger. 但是大象面临巨大的危险。

be in (great) danger 处于(极大)危险之中。

the boy falls into the lake. he’s in great danger.



be) out of danger 脱离危险。

the doctors say he’s now out of danger. 大夫们说现在他脱离了危险。

5. people cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.


cut down 砍伐。

don’t cut down trees. 不要砍伐树木。

6. today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before).


over (数量)超过; 在……之上。

over one hundred people are in the library.


there’s a small bridge over the river. 在河上面有一座小桥。

3000可使用thousand一词,读作three thousand。

英语中没有单独的词汇表达“万”的概念,必须通过“thousand”转换表达。如:100,000则只能使用thousand, 读作:one hundred thousand。

7. we must s**e the trees and not buy things made of ivory.

“be made of +原材料”表示“由……制成(从制成品中仍能看出原材料)”。

the table is made of wood. 这张桌子是由木头制成的。

拓展】“be made from +原材料”表示“由……制成(从制成品中看不出原材料)”。

***** is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。


1. 我们挽救五十多只猫。

we s**ed __fifty __

2. 狗是我所喜欢的动物之一。

dogs are __of my f**orite

3. 长城是中国的象征。

the great wall is aof

4. 一头大象能走很远的路且不会迷路。

an elephant can walk __a longand

5. 扬子鳄处于极度危险之中。

yangtze crocodiles

选词填空。1. mr. lin jumped into the river to __the boy.

2. the british __is in red, white and blue.

3. the letter “v” is a __of victory(胜利).

4. don’t __wild animals. they’re our friends.


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