
发布 2024-03-22 14:25:04 阅读 9176

一、topic:unit6 in a nature park

a let’s learnlet’sfindout



三、teaching aims:

1、ss are able to grasp the words: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, and say the words:sky, cloud, mountain .

are able to read and say the sentence:there is a forest in the nature.

四、important and hard points:

1、ss are able to grasp the words: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path, and say the words:sky, cloud, mountain .

are able to read the words: mountain, sky, cloud

五、teaching aids: word cards and tape-recorder


1、通过show the cards and spell the words 检测目标1的达成。

2、通过let’s find out检测目标2的达成。

七、teaching steps:

step ⅰ:warming up

a song: in a small house.


t: what’s in your classroom?

s1: there is a ….there are ….


stepⅱ: presentation:

the sun and ask: what’s this? ss:

it’s the sun. t:where can you see the sun?

we can see it in the sky. show the cards and learn the word: sky

can fly in the sky? s: …can fly in the sky. (bird, balloon, plane, leaf, cloud)

a cloud,show the card and learn the word: cloud. t:

does the cloud also fly in the sky ? the clouds float in the sky.

what does the cloud look like? ss: the cloud looks like a ….horse, baby, a mountain)

think the cloud looks like a the word: there any famous mountains in china?… mountain( the yellow mountain…)

what’s in the changbai mountain? there is /are….show the cards and learn the words:

trees, forest, grass, flower. can we do in the forest? (h**e a picnic, draw pictures,..

we smoke in the forest? we can’t ….in the forest.

t: what can we do on the grass? (play football, fly the kite…)

the cards and learn the words: lake, river, path.

t: what can you do in the river/lake?


step ⅲ:practice

and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.


the cards and say the words read the words in groups.


the cards and spell the words.

4. let’s find at the picture and find out the differences with the sentence: there is a….

in picture1/2. there is ….there are….

step ⅳ.summary and homework

listen and read the dialogue, then recite the words.

after class:

一、topic: a let’s try let’s talk



三、teaching aims:

1、ss are able to listen let’s try.

2、ss are able to use the sentences: there is a ……in the city. is there a ….

in the park? yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.

四、important and hard points:

1. ss are able to use the sentences: is there a ……in the…?

yes, there is. no, there isn’t.

五、teaching aids: tape-recorder


1、通过listen and circle检测目标1的达成。

2、通过make up new dialogues 检测目标2 的达成。

七、teaching steps:

step ⅰ:warming up

1. play let’s chant on p68.

2. show the cards and spell the words as quickly as they can. 【设计意图】**歌谣,创设愉悦的课堂氛围;复习单词,巩固知识,并为学习新课做准备。

stepⅱ: presentation:

let’s try

and circle.

2. t:look at the picture,please answer my questions:

what’s in the picture? s1: there is /are….

t: is there a … in the picture? s2:

yes, there is. /no, there isn’t.

a guessing game:

s1: what’s in the box? s2: is there a … in the box?

s1: no, there isn’ is there a ….in the box?

s1: yes, there is.


let’s talk.

now zhang peng and john are talking about a nature park.

is there a river in the park? listen and answer the question.

2. read again and answer the question:

is there a farm?


step ⅲ:practice

and repeat,pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.


at the other pictures,make up new dialogues in pairs. a: there is a nature park in the city.

b: is there a forest in the park?

a: yes, there is.

b: is there a …?

a: no, there isn’t.


step ⅳ.summary and homework

listen and read the dialogue.

after class:

一、topic: a read and write




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