
发布 2024-03-18 12:45:02 阅读 4573

一. 教材分析:

本课主题是季节的相关内容,一单元分为六课时。我说课的内容是第一课时,包括(let’s start, let’s chant, let’s learn和let’s find out)

二. 重点和难点:

1. 听说读写新单词:season,spring,summer,fall,winter

2. 运用句型进行回答:“what is your f**orite season?”和“what’s the weather like in spring or……?

3. how to pronounce spring and season.

三. 教学目标:


2.学习句型:what’s your f**orite season?

what’s the weather like in……?

四. 课前准备:


五. 教学方法:




4.小组合作法:分组练习句式“what’s your f**orite season?”-winter/….


一)热身。listen to the tape let’s chant

二) presentation: 新课呈现。

1. teacher asks “how many seasons in a year?” and leads to the four seasons.

2. teaching new word “season”

pictures and teaching new words“spring,summer,fall,winter”

4. listen to the tape and read the words follow the tape


通过教师改编let’s chant歌谣,指导学生齐唱,练习本课生词。

5. showing pictures and asking students “what’s your f**orite season?”

6. teacher reads this sentence, and students follow.

7. playing a game through passing the pencil-case to practice the sentence.

8. teacher shows a map and speaks out the weather in some cities, and writing the sentence “what’s the weather like in spring? -it’s warm and cold.

”9. let some students act and others guess, act well can get rewards.

10. let’s find out: let students draw the trees in different seasons, and drawing well get flowers.

11. practicing the sentences through passing the pencil-case. dividing two groups, one asks and one answers.

12. homework: writing these words five times english and one time chinese.

13. handwriting: unit 2 my f**orite season

a. season, spring, summer, fall, winter

b. what’s your f**orite season?

c. what’s the weather like in spring/……

六. 总结:

这节课主要学习新单词“season,spring,summer,fall,winter”,新句型“what’s your f**orite season?” 我们练习听、说、读、写能力,加深学生对本节课知识的印象。通过本节课的学习,学生们可以向小朋友们描述春、夏、秋、冬。





张晓雪。一. teaching content:unit2 (let’s start, let’s chant, let’s learn, let’s find out)

二. teaching style: teaching class

三. teaching time: 40minutes

四. teaching aims: a. to listen、speak、read、write the words:season,spring,summer,fall,winter

b. to learn how to use the sentence what’s your f**orite season?

c. to finish let’s find out

d. to sing let’s chant follow the tape

五.key points: a. to write the words season, spring, summer, fall, winter

b. to use the sentence what’s your f**orite season?

六.difficulty: how to pronounce spring and winter

七.teaching aids:a map,pictures,flowers, radio and tape, cards

八.teaching procedure:1. warm-up

listen to the tape“let’s chant”


1. lead in:through listening to a song,leading to the new unit

2. showing the word-card season,teacher reads and students follow

3. teaching new words spring,summer, fall,winter

4. listen to the tape and students read follow the tape

5. practicing the words through a song

6. taking out the pictures and asks students“what’s your f**orite season?”

7. through showing a map to ask “what’s the weather like in winter?”

8. playing a game to practice the sentence

9. let students draw trees in different seasons

10. homework:to write the words five times

11. handwriting:season spring summer fall winter

what’s your f**orite season?

what’s the weather like in spring?

九.concluding:this lesson we learn the words“spring,summer,fall,winter,season,and the sentence what’s your f**orite season?” we practicing the ability of listening、speaking、reading and writing.

through this lesson, students can describe their f**orite season to others.


中心小学。2015 2016学年度下学期unit2 my f ourite season教案年级学科课题名称。五英语。主备人课型。新授。使用人课时。韩荣花第1课时。unit2 my f ourite season 能够听 说 读 写单词 season,spring,summer,autumn,win...


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