
发布 2024-03-18 12:20:02 阅读 8700

unit2 a new student period 1 (总第___课时)

teaching time教学时间:

teaching contents教学内容:storytime.

teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:


2.正确运用日常交际用语can you show her around? how many…?

is there a …?yes. there is.

no. there isn’t. are there any…?

yes, there are. no, there aren’t. let’s go and…

3.能正确的听、说、读单词:art room, classroom, computer room, library, music room, playground。

focus of the lesson教学重点:



predicted area of difficulty教学难点:


teaching aids教学准备:


teaching procedures教学过程:

step1 warm up

1. enjoy the pictures(ppt**有关学校场所的**)

t: boys and girls, what are the pictures about?

ss: 欣赏学校**our school.。

2. talk about our school.

t: what’s in our school?

出示并复习单词library, classroom, playground

学生用there be句型描述自己所学过的场所。

step2 presentation

game: learn the new words: art room, computer room, music room.

t: there is a piano in this room, we often sing songs in the room.

there are many beautiful pictures in the room, we often draw pictures in this room.

there are many computers in the room, all the students like there


2. ppt出示本校学校平面示意图,结合新授单词,对学校场所进行问答。

t: is there a library?

s: yes, there is.

t: are there any table tennis rooms?

s: no, there aren’t

step3. learn story time.

揭示课题read the title

t: boys and girls, we know our school, but nancy doesn’t know, she is a new student.


unit2 a new student揭示课题,带读。

2. **picture 1课文录音。

who will show her around the school?


t: if you’re nancy, can you ask some questions about new school?

4.task1: watch and tick

t: what’s in yang ling’s school? let’s watch the cartoon and tick the place.


s:is there a …?

s: are there any …?


5. task 2: read and find

t: which floor? how many? let’s read and match.

teach: the first floor, the second floor, the third floor


is there / are there ..in the school?

step 4. consolidation

how many...are there? there is/are ..

where is / are the...it’s on the ..floor.

6.task3: i can read.

1) read after the tape.

2)read in groups

3) 角色扮演,给动画配音。

step5 homework

1. try to retell.假如你是nancy,你来介绍一下自己的学校。

2. 写作练习:看板书,仿照例句,选两三个地点,介绍nancy的学校。

书上write and say的内容。)

板书设计:unit2 a new student

the third floorthere is/are ..

the second floor

the first floorit’s/they’re on the … floor.

教学反思:unit2 a new student period 2 (总第___课时)

teaching time教学时间:

teaching contents教学内容:grammar time & fun time

teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: how many…?

is there a …?yes. there is.

no. there isn’t. are there any…?

yes, there are. no, there aren’t.

2.能正确地理解there be 句型的陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句的句型结构。

3.能正确地运用there be的相关句型进行问答。

focus of the lesson教学重点:

1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: how many…?

is there a …?yes. there is.

no. there isn’t. are there any…?

yes, there are. no, there aren’t.

2.能正确地理解there be 句型的陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句的句型结构。

predicted area of difficulty教学难点:

1.能正确地理解there be 句型的陈述句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句的句型结构。

2.能正确地运用there be的相关句型进行问答。

teaching aids教学准备:


teaching procedures教学过程:

talk1. day, date, weather

how many days are there in a week?

step 2: review and check.

1. review story time:

t: there’s a new student in yang ling’s school. who’s she?

ss: nancy black

t: let’s read story time. open your books turn to p16-17.

ss read story time together.

t: you read beautifully. can you try to recite? i min to recite by yourselves.

ss recite one sentence by one

2. review the words:

t: good. we know the rooms in nancy’s school. can you tell me what rooms are they?

s: classroom, computer room, library, music room, table tennis room.

t: good. any other rooms in the school?

s: playground, art room..

ss read the words together.

3. review sentences:

t: you know the rooms. do you remember their positions?

open your books and write down. p18

now let’s check the answers.

ss: there is… it’s on ….

there are… they’re on…

step3. presentation and practice

t: you know the rooms. now it’s grammar time.

can you talk about nancy’s school like this?

t指**,it’s on the first floor. what’s on the first floor?


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