
发布 2024-03-18 11:10:11 阅读 5824


一、读一读,选出不同类的一项。(10分)()1. a.

hisb. shec. hers()2.

a. eatingb. playingc.

drink()3. a. oursb.

theirsc. my

)4. a. johnb.

john’sc. mike’s()5. a.

jumpingb. singc. climbing二、选出下列各题的正确答案。


)1. whose dog is it? -a it’s it’s zoom’ no, it isn’t.

()2. this is my dog. the dog is __a mineb.

mec. my()3. -can i take him to the park

course!b. yes, i he is in the kitchen.()4. are these all ours? _

a yes, they no, it is c. no, they are.()5. look! chen is __sarah is __in the park.

a. jump; runningb. jumping; runningc.

jump; run三、根据单词的首字母及汉语提示补全单词。(10分)1. my sister is sin the bedroom now.

2. this is your dog. the dog is y___3.

those are __他们的)rabbits.4. the yellow picture is我的).

5. is he喝) water?

四、连词成句,注意标点符号以及首字母大写。(10分) whose , it, pig

can, with, play, him, now3. the, are, rabbits, playing4. they, are, eating5.

he, in, is, kitchen, the五、为下列句子找出正确的答语。(10分)

) 1. whose rabbits are they?a.

no, it’s not his.()this wu yifan’s dog?b.

yes, they are.()3. can you take him to the park?

c. they are mine.

) 4. are the dogs sleeping?d.

he’s in the study.()5. where is fido?

e. of course.












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一 读拼音,写词语。r n y d z b n w n xi o mi qi n b zh f x n y n l n chu n x n q zh y 二 比一比,再组词。令很注坏第 今根住怀弟 三 我会填。百花 放迫不 待吞吞议论。无影 踪叫 连天言自语无边 际 四 先加偏旁,再组词。兆各主见。...


先锋学区教案首页。学科 英语。课题。年级 五年级。任课教师 备课日期 unit 5 whose dog is it?1.掌握新单词 his hers,theirs,ours,yours,mine 教学目标。2.掌握句型 whose dog is that it s my dog.the dog is...