
发布 2024-03-18 04:30:10 阅读 4000


t': span', c': 姓名:',r': r_5'},

听力部分。一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。

( )1、a. play b. plant c. lake

( )2、a. water b. watch c. wash

)3、a. 1stb. 3rdc. 4th

)4、a. draw b. board c. drawing

)5、a. fifth b. five c. fight


) 16. my grandpa is reading the news*****.

) 17. the pandas are climbing.

)18. i go hiking on the weekend.

)19. i eat dinner at 6:30.

)20. my birthday is on children’s day.

三、 听音,选出你所听到的句子的正确回答。

) 21、a. i often draw pictures. b. i’m planting trees. c. i ’m a student.

) 22、a. he’s doing the dishes. b. they play sports at 4:00 .

c. they are playing ping-pong.

) 23、a. yes, she isb. yes, she can. c. no, i can’t.

) 24、a. yes, she isb. yes, her isc. yes, it is.

) 25、a. i like summer. b. i like may. c. i like sunday.


26. my brother is doingin the

27. ivisit myon the weekend.

28. my f**outite season isbecause i can

29. look at the tiger

30. my father isthe


( )31. it’s sunday.

( )32. there are many people in the zoo.

( )33. two girls are playing football.

( )34. a girl is flying a kite.

( )35. two children are walking on the grass.

笔试部分。一、 判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同。

) glass2. park star

)3. pass bag4. cake dad

)5. smart warm6. vase china

)7. smoke small

二、 按要求写单词。

复数 (现在分词。

3.快点(英语 (现在分词。

(现在分词 (近义词。

(否定式 (过去式。

(现在分词10. take (过去式。


1、the rabbitsbe ) jumping .

2、is the elephantdrink) water ?

3、my mother iscook) dinner in the kitchen .

4、i’manswer ) the phone in my room.

5、the mokeys are __eat) bananas .

四、 用适当的介词填空 。

1. there are two bears __the picture (**)。

2. look __the tiger ,he is eating .

3. the ducks are swimming __the river .

4. lucy is listening __some music .

are they picking __the stores (石头) ?


a. i’m uncle billb. she’s listening to music.

c. i’m watching tv. d. this is uncle bill.

e. yes, i amf. thank you.

g. he is reading a book.

a: hello.

b: hello, sarahwhat are you doing ?

a: hi, uncle bill

b: what is your father doing?

ab: what is your mother doing?.

ab: can i speak to your mom, please?

a: please hold on.


1. i can see two mokeys (对划线部分提问)

2. the kangaroo is jumping . 对划线部分提问)

3. climbing, are, trees, they.(连词成句)


) 1. she can’ta letter.

a. write b. writes c. writing

) 2.__you doing your homework, ann?

a. do b. are c. can

) 3. i see __elephant in the park. a. an b. a c. two

) 4. -what is it doing

a. he’s sleeping. b. it is jumping. c. she is running.

) and sarah __doing their homework.

a. is b. are c. are

) are the __doing ? a. panda b. kangaroos c. frog

) 7. here __two tigers . a. comes b. come c. coming

)8. what __you see ? b. are c. about

)9. –is the monkey climbing the trees

a. yes , it isn’t b. no, it is c. no, it isn’t

)10. the mother koala is sleepingabout the baby koala ?

a. what


unit 5 look at the monkeysmay 24,2013 一 写出下列单词的 ing形式。10 1.fly2.go 三 选择或填空或补全 10 1.she can t写 a letter.2 you doing your homework,ann?a.do b.are c.can ...


萝岗区2012 2013第二学期。分数加减法 时间 80分钟。班级姓名学号分数。1 填空题。每空1分,共11分 1.的分数单位是 有 个这样的分数单位。2.同分母分数相加 减不变,只把 相加减。3.一根铁丝长米,比另一根短米,另一根有 米,两根铁丝共 米。4.异分母分数相加减,要先 化成再加减。5....


一 read and choose.读一读,找出不同类的单词。10 singc.swimming hersc.your oursc.their excitedb.readc.jump listeningb.eatingc.sleep二 read and write.写出下列单词的 ing形式 9 1...