
发布 2024-03-18 11:25:12 阅读 6456

unit 5 look at the monkeysmay 24, 2013

一、写出下列单词的 ing形式。(10﹪)

1. fly2.


) 1. she can’t写)a letter.

) 2.__you doing your homework, ann? a. do b. are c. can

) 3. i see __elephants in the park. a. an b. a c. two

) 4. a: what is the dog doing? b: iteat) a banana.

) and sarah __doing their homework. a. is b. are c do

) you get up? a are b do c does

) 7 i like游泳you ? 你呢)


1.are, doing, they, what

2. climbing, are, trees, they

3. is, what, it, doing

4. rabbit, jumping, is, the

5. elephants, drinking, with, trunk, its, the, is, water


) can you drinking water.

) are the two boys doing? b. they are flying kites.

) you see the can see three kangaroos.

) colour is itd. no, i can’t.

) is it black and white.

六、阅读理解。 根据文章内容判断下列各题,对的打√ ,错的打×(10%)

it's september. it's fine. mr.

green and his family are in the park. they are h**ing a good time. mr.

and mrs. green are looking at some fish in the lake. tom, their son, is looking at a

plane in the sky. mary, their daughter, is walking behind her parents. she is looking at fish inthe lake, too.

( )l. it's a fine day today. (2. mr. green and his students are in the zoo.

( )3. torn is looking at some fish in the lake.

) 4. mary is a girl5. mary is looking at the fish in the lake, too.

) 6. mary is walking behind her parents. (aren’t h**ing a good time.

) is mary’s brother.



isin the


hehis3、你什么时候吃晚饭? 我晚上7点吃晚饭。

youi7:00 in the __

4、你什么时候起床? 我通常中午12点起床。

youi __get up __12:00 __

5、我经常踢足球。 有时我去远足。


7通常我看电视和购物。itv and


9、它在做什么? 它在吃香蕉。

10她在做什么? 她在跳跃。

11他在做什么? 他在跑。

12他们在做什么? 他们在游泳。

13那些熊猫在做什么? 他们在爬树。

14 我能睡很长时间。


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