PEP小学英语五年级下册第五单元测试题 含听力材料

发布 2024-03-12 15:55:07 阅读 5818





一、 听音,选择。(10分)

( )1、a. walking b. planting c. walk

( )2、a. writing b. writec. watch

( )3、a. 1stb. 3rdc. 4th

( )4、a. drawb. flying c. drawing

)5、a. fifthb. fivec. fighting

( )6、a. cleaning b. reading c. eating

( )7、a. jumping b. runc. running

( )8、a. juneb. july c. jan.

( )9、a. swinging. b. swim c. swimming.

( )10、a. can you see the monkeys? b. what do you see?

c. do you see any animals?

二、听录音,判断对错, 正确的打“√”错的打“×。10分。

) 6. look! the little panda is sleeping .

) 7. the pandas are climbing.

baby kangaroo is eating in the bag .

)9. the monkeys are good climbers.

elephant is drinking water with its trunk .


) 1、a. he’s walking. b. she’s walking. c. he can walk.

) 2、a. he’s jumping. b. they are jumping .

c. they can jump.

) 3、a. yes, she isb. yes, she can. c. no, i can’t.

) 4、a. yes, i dob. yes, i don’tc. yes, i see.

) 5、a. no, it isn’t. b. no, it is. c. yes , it isn’t.


1. look at the monkey .it’s

2is sheshe’s

3. i can see some pandas . they are

4. look at the tiger

elephant is


( )1. it’s sunday.

( )2. there are many people in the zoo.

( )3. two girls are playing football.

( )4. a girl is flying a kite.

( )5. two children are walking on the grass.



a. they are climbingb. what do you do on sundays?

c. what is it doingd. good idea !

e. what are you doingf. what are they doing ?

g. what can you see ?

ab: i often go to the zoo with my parents on sundays.

a: let’s go to the zoo

b: i can see a bear.

ab: it’s sleeping. oh, i see some pandas, too.

a: what are they doing?

bthey’re good climbers.


i see many animals in the nature park. look! there are many birds flying in the blue sky.

six tigers are running, and one is swimming in the river. the baby kangaroo is jumping and the mother kangaroo is sleeping. i see an elephant drinking water with a giraffe.

they’re so cute.

1 . i am at the zoo.

2 .the baby kangaroo and the mother kangaroo are sleeping.

3. i can see seven tigers.

elephant and the giraffe are drinking water.

birds are flying in the sky.


are, is, best, warm, flying, cold, swimming, climb, walking, jumping, climbing, walk, swim, hot, f**ourite )

it’s summer. the weather iswe’rein the lake. the birds are __in the sky.

the ducks___swimming in the lake, too. some students aremountains. look, the little baby ishe can __very well.

the rabbiton the grass. i like summer __


1. a: what are the pandas doing

b: .2. a: what are the tigers doing?

b3. a: can the duck fly ?

b4. a: what are you doing?

b5. a: when is your birthday? (按实际回答)

b十、看图作文。根据所给的**写一段话,看图中的动物在干什么,请用不少于五句话来介绍。( 10分)



unit 5 look at the monkeys 第一课时。教学重点 在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的单词。教学难点 课前准备 本课时的五张单词 和卡片。教学过程 活动一 唱一唱。教师 三年级上册第四单元a部分let s do的录音。教师适时出示各种动物的词卡,学生边说边做相应的动...


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