
发布 2024-03-18 18:45:12 阅读 2053



classnamescore __





1. 喝水 2. 荡,荡秋千

3. 打** 4. 往上爬 5. 讲话6. 走 7. 跑 8. 照相

9. 树林 10. 走。


) 1. here __two tigers.

a. comesb. comec. coming

) 2. these __are swimming in the park.

a. duckb. dogsc. cats

) 3. oh! look __the elephant.

a. forb. likec. at

) 4. -can the fishyes, it can.

a. swimming b. swim c. running

) 5. the elephant is drinking water __its trunk.

a. withb. usec. in

) an animal. it lives in australia. it’s lives in .

a. a kangaroo b. a koalac. a monkey

) 7. listen! the birds __in the tree.

a. singb. are singing c. is singing

) 8is the panda eating? -it’s eating bamboos.

a. where b. whatc. how

) 9. -what __the elephantit’s walking.

a. is ; do ; doing c. is ; doing

) 10. —can the horse run fast? —yes

a. it can b. it can’t c. i am


)1. a. apple b. class

)2. a. small b. smoke c. smell d. spring

)3. a. sleep b. slippers c. ship d. slow

)4. a. park b. art c. smart d. at

)5. a. grass b. water c. father d. class


) what is it doinga. she’s drinking water..

) what is the mother doingb. it’s sleeping.

) what are the monkeys doing? c. they are swinging.

) what do you seed. i see two rabbits.

) can you see the kangaroosf. yes, i can.


this is a picture of mr brown's family. in the picture we can see mr brown, mrs brown, their son tony and their daughter amy.

mr brown is sitting in a chair. he is reading a news*****. mrs brown is sitting at the desk.

she is writing a letter. tony is twelve years old. he is standing by the window.

he is reading a story-book. it's an interesting book. amy is only six.

she is sitting on the floor. she is playing with her toys.

what is that behind amy ? it's a cat. what is the cat doing ?

it is playing with a ball .

)1.there are four members in this family .

)2.mr brown is sitting in a chair and reading a news***** .

)3.mrs brown is writing a letter by the window

)4.tony is eleven years old .

)5.amy is reading an interesting storybook .

十。 请找出下面各组不同类的单词,将其标号填写在括号内。(1 0分)

)9. we


小学五年级科学下册第五单元练习 参考 一 判断 对的打 错的打 1 传入神经就是运动神经,它负责将身体各处发出的信号传递给指挥中心。2 大脑和脊髓是人体的神经中枢。3 视觉是眼和大脑等共同作用产生的。4 嗅觉和味觉是密切相关的。5 睡眠不足会使人的注意力不集中,记忆力减退,情绪波动。6 睡眠可以消除...


班级姓名得分。一 我会填。每空1分,共17分 1 计算 时,应先算里的,再算。2 甲数是48,比乙数多,乙数是30比90少 的是 比50少是 20比 多。4 一根32米长的铁丝,用去它的,还剩 米。5 男生比女生多,女生是男生的实际比计划增加,实际是计划的 6 现价比原价降低了,现价是原价的 7 一...


10 写出下面的数量关系式。1 金牌的块数比银牌多30块。2 母鸡的只数是公鸡的2.35倍。11 当x大于 时,5x的值大于20。12 小明买了1枝钢笔和7本练习本,君君买了12本同样的练习本,两人用去的钱一样多。一枝钢笔的价钱等于 本练习本的价钱。二 选择 共6分 1 由x 2.4 0.32得x ...