
发布 2024-03-18 04:25:10 阅读 7167

unit 5 a read and write教学过程设计。


1.能够正确地听、说、读、写表示家具的单词:curtain, closet, mirror, end table, trash bin, air-conditioner。

2.掌握本课出现的句型:there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.

there is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.


1.能够听、说、读、写句子:there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. there is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.

2.帮助学生正确使用there is 和there are 的表达法。

三. chant

in the living room. watch tv.

in the study. read a book.

in the kitchen. h**e a snack.

in the bathroom. take a shower.

in the bedroom. h**e a sleep.


step2. presentation(新课呈现)

教师首先在课件中展示出一个“空房子”,然后出示表示房间的单词(配有图),如:bedroom, living room, kitchen和bathroom 。

② 教师询问谁能布置“空房子”,请学生以“there is a ..in my house .”或是“there are ..

in my house .”来表达她/他是如何布置这个房子的。

③ 向学生介绍各层的房间:there is /are ..on the first floor.

there is /are ..on the second floor. there is /are ..

on the third floor. (通过介绍各层的房间引出“on the third floor”)

④ 在课间**示公寓楼的**,然后指着其中的一套公寓向学生介绍:“ this is a flat.”,学生认读“flat”这个单词。

step3. reading

1)教师带上rabbit的头饰,出示rabbit家的**,先是一个全景,教师介绍:“we are rabbits. we h**e a new flat.

it’s on the third floor.” do you want to h**e a look at our new flat? let’s go!

”引导学生进行阅读。⑴.general reading让学生快速阅读短文然后回答问题the baby rabbit’s room is small and nice, yes or no?

2). detailed reading学生仔细阅读短文然后回答一下两个问题:

how many rooms are there in rabbits’ flat?what are they?

2 what’s the baby rabbit’s own room like?

3). read and write

there are two __a __a___and ain the rabbits’new flat .

in the baby rabbit’s room . there is a __a __and a big __there are __andthere is ait’s cool.


4) listen to the tape and read together(进一步巩固学生掌握的英语语言)


and extension

1、therea ruler in the box.

2、therea picture on the wall.

3、therea box in the rabbit’s room.

4、theretwo pandns in the park.

5、therethree blue curtains in my room.

设计意图:进一步巩固学生对“ there be ” 熟练掌握情况,培养学生的语用能力。

拓展作业。设计一下自己未来在太空居住的房间,并用学过本单元的英语词汇和there be 句型做一介绍,展示给自己的家长和同学们。

read and write 任务型教学活动设计。







1)能听、说、读、写词汇和句子:there are two bedrooms, a kitchen ,a bathroom and a livingroom .there is a mirror ,a bed and a big closet.

2)能听、说、认读 part a read and write 的内容。



能用there be 的句型简单描述房间物品的名称、特征。





1、let’s chant

the end tables are big.

the curtains are blue .

the garbage is empty .

the closet is full .

the mirror is terrific .

the air-conditioner is cool .

设计意图:通过朗朗上口的chant 导入新课教学,活跃课堂气氛。)



1、open your books .listen to the tape .


2、listen to the tape again .answer the question“who has a new flat ?”板书flat(公寓)并教学。

3、but which floor is the rabbits’ new flat on ? listen to the tape again,then choose the right answer .

a 、the first floor b、the second floor c、the third floor


4、(出示兔子的公寓图) look ,this is the rabbits’ flat ,and this is the baby rabbit’s room. what’s in the rabbits’ new flat ? what’s in the rabbit’s room?

look at the pictures and read the text .after it ,pairwork ,talk about the questions ,then finish the sentences:

there are two___a___a___and ain the rabbits’ new flat .

there is a __a___and___a __in his room .and there are two __

the answers,板书四会句子,并带读和练习书写。

there are two bedrooms ,a kitchen ,a bathroom and a is a mirror ,a bed and a big closet .


5、read the text by yourselves, if you h**e any questions ,you can ask me .


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