PEP四年级上册英语第3 6单元复习要点

发布 2024-03-07 12:15:05 阅读 1915

unit 3my friends

1phonics (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读、写)

o-e//nosenotecokemr jones


fox nothotgot job

2key words (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)

描述朋友外貌特征的形容词:he/ she / it is…

tallstrong / fat )quiet

shortthincute /lovelyfriendly

描述朋友外貌特征的名词:he/ she/ it has…

long hairshort hairbrown shoesblue glasses

straight haircurly haira green baga big /small nose

a big/ small mouthbig/ small eyesbig/ small ears

big/ small feetlong/ short legs


3key sentences (重点句子与短语黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)

重点句型:i am … i’m…you are…= you’re…

he is…= he’s …she is …=she’s…it is…= it’s …

we are …=we’re…you are…=you’re…they are...they’re…

i/ you/ we/ they h**e…i/ you/ we/ they don’t h**e…

he/ she/ it has…he/ she/ itdoesn’t h**e…

1)- what’s his name?-his name is …

what’s her name?- her name is …

what’s its name?- it’s name is …

what’s your name?-my name is…

2)-who is he?- he is …

who is she?-she is…

who’s your good/ best friend?-he/ she is…

3) –i h**e a good/ new is tall and strong.

he has blue shoes are blue.

4) she’s short and has long hair. her shoes are pink.

5) –what colour is his / her bag?

his/ her bag is yellow./it’s yellow.

6)-what colour are his/ hershoes?

his / her shoes are pink and white./they arepink and white.

7)-what colour is your bag?-my bag is black./ it’sblack.

4i can use.(我会运用)

1)会运用“what’s her/ his name?”询问他人姓名,并用“her/ his name is ..应答。

2)会简单介绍“my good friend (我的好朋友)”。

hello. i’m wu tall and thin. i h**e short h**e a blue and white bag. i like my bag.

i h**e a good friend. his name is zhang peng . he is tall and strong.

he has short hair. he has a green bag and blue coat is shoes are black. he is very friendly.

i like my friend.

或者。i h**e a good friend. her name is amy.

she is tall and thin. she has long hair. she has a pink bag.

her coat is red. her shoes are is quiet and friendly. i like my friend.

unit 4my home

1phonics (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读、写)

u-e/ ju:/usecuteexcusetubemule

u-//fun, run, duck , under, up, mumusbusbutcutcup

2key words (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)

房间类:living room ,bedroom,bathroom, kitchen,study

家居类:table,phone,bed,sofa, fridge,方位介词:in在里面on在上面under在下面near在旁边。

短语:in the living room在客厅里in the study在书房里in the bedroom在卧室里in the kitchen在厨房里in the bathroom在浴室里。

in the door在门上on the table在桌上on the fridge在冰箱上。

on the sofa在沙发上on the bed在床上near the phone在**旁。

go to the去教室watch tv看电视read a book读书。

h**e a snack吃小吃h**e a nap小睡一会。

3key sentences (重点句子与短语黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)

重点句型:1)- is shein the study?-yes,she is./ no, she isn’t.

is hein the kitchen?- yes, he is./ no, he isn’t.

is it …?yes, it is. /no, it isn’t.

are theyon the table?-yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

2)-where are the keys?-they arein the door.

where isthe key?-it isin the door.

where is she/ he?-she/ he is…

3) –the sofaisin the living room.

the chairsarein the bedroom.

4i can use.(我会运用)

1)会运用“where is…?”询问单个人或物,并用“…is +地点”应答;

会运用“where are…?”询问两个或以上人或物,并用“…are +地点”应答。

2)会简单介绍“my room (我的房间)”p42。

look! this is my small,. there is a table, a phone, a bed, a sofa and a fridge in the table is orange.

the phone is on the bed is blue. the bear is on the bed. the sofa is near the window.

the books are on the sofa. the fridge is blue. the keys are on the like my room.


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