
发布 2024-03-07 12:15:05 阅读 5722


1.十一2.十二3. 学生4. 老师5. **6. 美术。

7. 体育8. 班级9.数学10. 做11. 游戏12.学科。

13科学14.三十七15.五十三16. 二十八17. 四十六18. 十三。

19.十五20 十八。



)1. may i ask you some questionsa. we h**e six classes.

2. what are theyb. yes, please.

3. how many classes do you h**ec. i like chinese and pe.

( )4. do you like englishd. we speak and sing.

( )5. what do you do in english classe. they are maths, art and pe.

( )6. how many students are there in your class? f. yes, i do.

( )7. what subjects do you likeg. there are fifty students.


1.my jeans___over therea. am b. is c. are

2. it’s time __luncha. for

3. there __some beef and rice on the tablea. is b. are

4. there __a chinese class and two english classes today. a. is b. are

5. tom __six english classes a week.

a. has b. h**e c. there is d. there are

6. it’s time __get upa. for b. to

7. _subjects do you like?

a. what b. where c. how

8. _classes do you h**e today?

a. how many b. how old c. what’s

9. how many girls __in your class?

a. there is b. are there c. there are

10. how many __are there in your school?

a. student b. boys c. teacher

11. how many __are there in your class ?

a. student b. a student c. students

12. we __six classes today.

a. h**e b. there is c. there are

四. 回答问题:(用括号里的词回答问题) 2分/个。

1. how many classes do you h**e today? (6节)

2. how many boys are there in your class? (32 )

3. what subjects do you like? (chinese and pe)

4. do you like maths? (肯定回答)

五. 连词组句:2分/个。

1. do, in , english, what, you, do , class (

2. today , h**e, six, we, classes (.

3. classes, do , how , many , you , today , h**e (

4. ask, may you , i , questions, some (

5. subjects, what , like, you, do (

六.情景选择: 2分/个。

)1. 你想问班里有多少男生和女生,你说:

a. how many boys and girls do you h**e in your class?

b. how many boys and girls are there in your class?

) 2. 你想问今天有什么课?

a. how many classes do you h**e today ?

b. what classes do you h**e today?

) 3. 你想知道小明喜欢什么科目?你问:

a. what classes do you h**e?

b. what subjects do you like?

) 4. 你想告诉别人在英语课你们听和唱, 你说:

a. we speak and sing.

b. we listen and sing.

) 5. 现在几点了,你问:

a. what’s the time? b. it’s ten o’clock.

) 6. 你想说今天有六节课,你说:

a. i h**e six classes today.

b. they are art and pe.

)7. 你想问peter是否喜欢英语课?

a. what subjects do you like

b. do you like englis

完成对话: 1分/个。

a: good morninga. how many classes do you h**e toda

b: yes, please. many students are there in your classac. may i ask you some questions?

b: there are fiftyd. i like english and music.

ae. what about p e ?

b: we h**e six classes today.

a: what subjects do you like ? b

ab: we all like it.


一 填空。6 l.54的积有 位小数 0.329 的积有 位小数 3 将4.95小散点向右移动一位,这个数就扩大到原来的 倍,结果是 4 把33.45的小数点向左移动两位,那么它就缩小到原来的。得到的小数是 2的100倍是 6个7.5的和是 6 已知2.4 3 72,那么0.24 0.3 7 两个数...


人教pep 四年级英语下册unit3练习题。小学资源网。第一课时习题精选。listenandmatch.听力内容。hello,hello,第二课时习题精选。1listenandnumber.2readandmatch.第三课时习题精选。1lookandwrite.2findandcolor.第四课时...


第五课时。娣。一 教学目标与要求。1 能够听 说 认读本课时主要句型 tahese are your pants.and those are my shees.they are somall.2 能够在完成这些句子活动中使用这些句子,描述自己或他人的衣物。3 能够辨别let s check 中的关键...