
发布 2024-03-07 12:20:05 阅读 2129

unit 1my classroom复习要点。

1phonics (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读、写)


a-//cat,bag,dad,hand ,cap,map ,hat, bag, fan

2key words (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)


s desk讲台。

方位介词:inonundernearbehindnext to


3key sentences (重点句子与短语黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)

1)- we h**e a new classroom.

really? let’s go and see!/let’s go and h**e a look!

2)-where is it?

it’s near the window./it’s on the fan./ it’s on the light./

it’s on the wall./ it’s on the blackboard.

3) -where is the computer?- it’s on the teacher’s desk.

4)-let’s clean the classroom.-ok./ great! /good idea./ all right.

5) –let me clean the windows.

6)-let me help you.-thank you so much.--you’re welcome.

7)excuse sorry.

8) –what’sin the classroom?

there isone blackboard, one computer, two doors, five windows, 12 lights, many pictures, many desks and chairsin the classroom.

there aretwo doors, five windows, 12 lights, one blackboard, one computer, many pictures, many desks and chairsin the classroom.

9)短语open the the on the light.

turn off the up the the blackboard.

4i can use.(我会运用)

1)会运用“where is the…?”询问物品方位,并用“it’s in/ on / under/ near / behind the…”应答方位。

2)会运用“the computer is doors are brown.”等描述物品颜色。

3)会简单介绍“my classroom (我的教室)”。

look! this is my classroom. there is a blackboard, a teacher’s desk, a fan and a computer in the classroom.

there are many desks and chairs, too. the teacher’s desk is brown. the computer is black.

the door is orange. the fan is black and purple. the walls are blue.

the floor is green. the desks are chairs are yellow, too. i like my classroom.

unit 2my schoolbag复习要点。

1phonics (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读、写)




2key words (重点单词黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)


schoolbag书包maths book数学书chinese book语文书english book英语书。

storybook故事书notebook笔记本candy (candies)糖果toy (toys)玩具。

key (keys)钥匙。

3key sentences (重点句子与短语黑体为听、说、认读,其余为听、说)

1)- we h**e a new schoolbag.

really? may i see it? /may i h**e a look?

sure/ yes/ ok. here you are.

2)-what’sin your schoolbag?

there isan english book, a maths book, three storybooks and a notebookin my schoolbag.

3) –what do you h**ein your schoolbag?

i h**ea pencil-box and many booksin my schoolbag.

4)-what colour is it? -it’s blue and white/ red/ orange/…

5) –what colour is thebook?-it’s yellow.

6)-what colour is yourschoolbag?-it’s pink and white.

7)my schoolbag is so he**y.

8) –excuse me. i lost my …

let me help colour is it?/ what’s in it?

9)短语put … in / on / under/ near your …

4i can use.(我会运用)

1)会运用“what colour is it?/what colour is the pen? /what colour is your pen?

”询问物品颜色,并用“it’s +颜色。”应答。

2)会简单介绍“my schoolbag(我的书包)”。

hello. my name’s zhangpeng. i h**e a new schoolbag. it’s blue and white. it’s big.

there are 3 keys, 2 toys, 3 candies, an english book and a notebook in my schoolbag.

the keys are white. the english book is blue, orange and green. the notebook is brown.

i like my schoolbag.


一 翻译。1 我的老师又高又瘦。2 我的朋友戴着眼镜。3 他的鞋是橙色的。4 麦克有一头短发。5 吴一凡有一个绿色的书包。6 我有一个新朋友,他又矮又瘦。7 她叫露西。好文静又友好。8 他在窗户附近。9 他是吴一凡吗?10 是,你对了。11 他有一个绿色的书包和棕色的鞋。12 她有一顶蓝色的帽子。1...


unit1yclassroo 词汇 classroo教室indo窗户。blacboard黑板light电灯。picture图画door门。teacher sdes讲台puter计算机。floor地板tv电视。fan电扇all墙。短语 ontheall在墙上。neartheindo在窗户旁边。inth...


let s spell a e e cake蛋糕 face 脸 name 名字 make制作 hate讨厌 恨 face 脸。a cat猫 dad爸爸 hat帽子 cap棒球帽 map地图 句型 we h e a new classroom.我们有一个新教室。let s go and see 让我们...