
发布 2024-03-03 02:50:06 阅读 5713

牛津小学英语5a unit 9 shapes




1.能掌握四会单词shape, star;掌握三会单词square, circle, diamond, rectangle, ********。

2.能按四会要求掌握句型:what shape is …?it’s a ….



教学重点:掌握表示形状的六个单词和句型:what shape is …?it’s a ….


2.掌握rectangle, ********的正确读音。



教学过程:step 1 warm up

1. 欣赏歌曲shapes

2. t: hello, boys and girls.

i’m miss yu. nice to meet you! i’m new here.

so i want to know something about you.

what’s your name?

how old are you?

what can you do?

what do you like?

do you like drawing?

3. t: i like drawing very much. and i like drawing with shapes.(出示一些图画)

do you like these pictures?

do you like shapes?

教学单词:shape 拼读。

4. t: let’s talk about shapes. ok?

揭示课题:unit 9 shapes

step 2 presentation

1. t: look! the shape of the clock is a circle.


2. 出示一系列圆形的物品,引导学生**车问答what shape is it? it’s a circle.

3. 出示一个三角形,t: what shape is it? is it a circle? it’s a ********.

教学单词:********, angle

4. 出示两个三角形,t: how many ********s are there?

s1: there are two. t:

look! a new shape! what shape is it?

变化******** 成rectangle


5. listen and do.

t: this is a piece of *****. what shape is it?

look! i can fold it into a ********. i can fold it into a rectangle.

now boys and girls, please take out your *****. i say a shape, you fold the ***** into it. and say:

“********, ********, it’s a ********.”

6. t: square.同时出示形状。引导学生: “square, square, it’s a square.”再教学单词:square

出示一只正方形盒子,两两问答: what shape is it? it’s a square.

(对于对话出色的学生进行奖励:what shape do you want? 结合起回答奖励相应图形。

)7. t: you’re so good. let’s enjoy a song: twinkle, twinkle, little star

8. t: what shapes are there in the song?(引导学生在教师身上寻找)

9. 指着星形,t: first, i ask you. what shape is it? 引导学生尝试回答。


10.指着菱形,t:now, you can ask me. s1/s2/s3 :what shape is it? t: it’s a diamond.


step 3 consolidation

1. 依次出示六种图形,t: what shape is it?引导学生回答,复习六个单词。

t: let’s say a chant:

circle, circle. it’s a circle.

********, ********. it’s a ********.

rectangle, rectangle. it’s a rectangle.

square, square. it’s a square.

star, star. it’s a star.

diamond, diamond. it’s a diamond.

2. 出示六种物品,**车连锁问答:what shape is it? it’s a ….

3.同桌两人先利用牙签、线,拼出各种图形,然后讨论图形:what shape is …?it’s a ….最后交流对话。

4. play a game: say the shape quickly.

出示一些图形接龙题,t: please look carefully.

示范一题,t: what shape is it now?全班一起回答。


最后一题完成时,t: how many …are there?

there are many shapes in my pictures. let’s count the numbers of different shapes.

please take out your picture, and finish the exercise.


look, find and write.

how many … are there?



step 4 assignment



model: this is a

there arein it. there isin it .

板书设计:unit 9 shapes

what shape is …?it’s a …

设计思路:本节课主要教学目标是使学生掌握四会单词shape, star,三会单词square, circle, diamond, rectangle, ********。 掌握四会句型:

what shape is …?it’s a ….并能用所学的句型进行交流,谈论物品的形状,形状的数量。

第一个环节 warm up

在这一环节中,考虑到学生对形状比较熟悉,但又不懂表示形状的英语词汇的现状,我设计了欣赏歌曲和free talk两个活动。歌曲可以吸引学生的注意力,激发学习的兴趣。而free talk则既拉近了与学生的距离,又可自然过渡到新知的学习。


主要教学square, circle, diamond, rectangle, ********, star这六个表示形状的单词和句型what shape is it? it’s a ….为了保持学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的学习能力,我采用了不同方法教授新词和操练句型,让每一个学生都有表现的机会。



原本打算本节课还得教学句型what shape is the…? 但几次试下来,我发现大部分学生对六个新单词的发音掌握不是很理想。所以我设计的巩固活动都是围绕这六个单词和句型what shape is it?

it’s a ….开展的。简单的chant,自由的make and say, 尽显才智的look, draw and say…不仅加深了学生对新知的理解和运用,更活跃了课堂气氛。




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