
发布 2024-02-28 17:45:06 阅读 6485

step1 listentoanenglishsong“ifyouarehappy” &greeting

step2: presentation

学新单词school bag,pen, pencil, book, eraser,ruler,pencil box ,dictionary

step3:match (配对)


step4: 新句型。

excuse me,is this/that my pen? yes, it is. it is my pen=mine

your pen? no , it isn’t. it’s your pen=yours

his penis not her pen=hers

her penhis pen=his

excuse me,are these/those….?yes , they are./ no, they aren’t.(=are not)

step5: 学1b

1. 先关注key words: yes , mine; no, his; no, hers.

2. listen ——check——imitate跟录音读,模仿(注意连读\升降调rising/falling tone)

step5: chant(说唱)

pen, pen, pen pen, pen, penpen, pen, pen

is this your pen? is this your pen? is this your pen?

yes , yes, yes no, no, nono, no, no

it’s mine. it’s mine. it’s his. it’s his. it’s hers. it’s hers.

自编 is this youris this youris this your __

yes , yes, yes no, no, nono, no, no

it’s mine. it’s mine. it’s his. it’s his. it’s hers. it’s hers.

step6: 教学2a listen and check.

step7: 教学2b

1. 先看图**填空,再听,模仿,手势表升降调。

2. 4人小组make new conversations, act it out.

step8: find the owner(找主人)

活动过程:1、 将学生分成4人小组,每个学生把自己的几件东西放到自己组的袋子里;

2、 一个学生从袋子里取出一件物品,然后向同组的同学询问其主人。

3、 找到东西的主人后,完成**填写,每位同学至少找到2件东西的主人。


1. 如果是自己的物品也必须介绍:this is my…..it’s mine. …

2. a: is this your…..

b: yes, it is. it’s my…..

no, it isn’t. mine is ….颜色)

a: here you are.

b: thank you.

3. a: is that her/his….?

b: yes, it is. it’s her/his….

/ no, it isn’t. hers /his is ….颜色)

a: here you are.

b: thank you.

step9:总结:读板书或grammar focus

男他his,女她her, your是你的,my 是我的,名词前面常站岗,限定所属有功劳。

step9: exercise(练习)

1) finish the conversation(完成对话)。

tim:excuse___我), 你的)pencil?





改为一般疑问句a pencil box?


3thisisapeninenglish.(就画线部分提问in english?

4. that is my ruler. (改为否定回答that __my ruler.

step10: homework

1. review the new words and sentence patterns.

2. make a short conversation on their own according to the conversation in 2b.


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