
发布 2024-02-28 17:40:06 阅读 6744

unit 3 what does he look like?导学案(第一课时)

教学目标:1. 复习有关描述人的外貌的词汇及短语。

2. 学会简单描述人的外貌特征,如发型、身高、体重等。

重点句型:1 --what do you look like?/ what are you like?

i’m short. i h**e long straight black hair.

2 --what do they look like?/ what are they like?

they are medium height.

3 --what does he look like?/ what is he like?

he is medium built.

教学手段:多** pairwork

教学过程:step 1: 复习有关描述人的外貌的词汇及短语。







注意:1 ”有……的头发”用: h**e /has +漂亮的+长短+曲直+颜色+hair

2描述身高、体重的形容词和be 动词连用。

3 be medium builtbe medium height

h**e/ has a medium built h**e/ has a medium height

step2: 情景导入。

i’m tall. i’m medium build. i h**e long curly hair. what do you look like?

step3:利用 pairwork强化训练:

---what do you look like? -i’m tall. i’m medium build. i h**e long curly hair.

step4:借助多**利用 pairwork强化训练:

what does he /she look like?

what do they look like?

step5:训练what do/does sb. look like? 和 what be sb. like?的互相转化。

注意:what do/does sb. look like? 只能询问外貌。

what be sb. like? 既可询问外貌,又可询问品质(如友好的,善良的friendly/kind)

step6:做11页的3 pairwork


1 wear: 意为”穿着,戴着”,强调状态。

put on: 意为”穿上,戴上”, 强调动作。

he likes __sports shoes.

it’s cold outsideyour coat.

2 like:介词“像” look like 看起来像= be like

hehis father.= he is like his father. 他看起来像他爸爸。

动词”喜欢” ,like doing sth / like to do sth 喜欢做某事。

tom likes __andtom喜欢看书和下棋。


1 你弟弟长得什么样子?what __your brother

2 我朋友留着卷曲的棕色头发,中等身材。my friend

he is3 他们长的什么样子?他们中等身高。__do they

they __a

4 tom留着黑色直的短发吗?__tomhair?


shea red __and white __

6 my father is tall and medium build.(画线提问)

your father

7 my brother is not tall and he is not short.(同义句转化) my brother is

8 what is she like? (同义句转化she

9 we like reading and playing soccer. (画线提问you like___

10 he has long black hair.(变一般疑问句he __long black hair?

变否定句) helong black hair.

11 he is watching tv. (变一般疑问句he

变否定句he __watching tv.



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