
发布 2024-02-29 07:15:12 阅读 1774

unit 3 our animal friends



单元简析】本单元围绕的主要话题是介绍动物特征,通过学习小动物的外貌特征和行为能力,学习运用身体部位名词、形容词、动词和they h**e…they can…等句型,并将自己喜爱的动物特征用一个完整的语段描述出来。文本中的长句 it has… and…they h**e no…or …but they h**e…是学生表达的难点。另外教师可以结合学生四年级上册unit8的五官和体貌特征的词汇,设计教学活动,鼓励学生综合运用这些词汇描述动物。


问题疑难】1. 句型:能掌握并使用h**e和has的肯定句i/we/they h**e...

和一般疑问句do you/they h**e…?does he/she h**e…?

2. 词汇:no,leg,foot,give。

3. 语音:字母u在单词中的读音。


学习内容】story time


2. 正确运用日常交际用语i h**e animal friends. it’s/they’re ….it/they can ..it has/they h**e ….

3. 能正确的听、说、读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.

4. 通过学习培养学生对动物的热爱。


2.会说会读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.


2.会说会读单词:animal, leg, body, arm, other, tail, wing.



step1 warm up

1. t: good afternoon, boys and girls.

do you like songs? let’s enjoy a song: head shoulders knees and toes.

ss: listen, move and enjoy a song




step2. presentation

1. t: 出示人物身体**,提出问题: what body parts do you know?

s1: i know head.

s2:i know eyes.


热键出现四个身体部位单词(自学单词部分要求:默读然后大声读) :car, farm—arm; red, egg—leg, look book—foot.

t: i h**e two feet. one is my left foot, the other is my right foot.

learn to read and understand the new words: body, arm, foot, leg.


3.组织游戏:quick response(互学要求:组长主持,各层员分次序回答并在组内及时纠正评价)

t: do you remember them? try to remember.

let’s play a game. listen to me carefully and touch quickly. for example, “touch your head”, you say “touch my head” and do it quickly.

ss: 听听做做,快速反应: “touch my …”


3. t: you are so fast. great! now, attention. touch your tail and wings.

t: do we h**e tails? ss: 疑惑。


ss: 理解新词, 学习回答we h**e no tails or wings.


t: what animals h**e tails? what animals h**e wings?

ss: 练读单词并回答…has a (big/ long/ short) tail.

t:animals are lovely. they are our good friends.

the students are talking about their animal friends today. look! who are they?

ss:they’re mike/ liu tao/ su yang/nancy.

t:what body parts do you see?

what animals are they talking about?

ss: a dog/ rabbit/ two fish/ parrot.


t: who are their friends? listen and match.

ss: listen and match.

check. nancy has two fish.

t: can you say it in another way?


ss: nancy likes two fish.

two fish are nancy’s friends.


t: nancy like two fish. how does she talk about her fish?

please try to read her words.

ss: work in pairs.

find difficulties.

focus on: bodies

自读第一语段,理解难点。one…the other前边已有铺垫,此处再次明晰,着重解决其读音困难;通过对比选择理解句子it has no…or…

t: work in pairs if you h**e any difficulties.

1) bodies

2) 示范朗读one is… the other is…

there are two doors in this classroom. one is open, the other is closed.

can you try to say a sentence like me?

ss: the other

they h**e no…or….

尝试表达:i h**e two rubbers. one is blue, and the other is white.

i h**e two eyes. one is small, the other is small, too.


3) t: what does this sentence mean?

出现选择。a: they h**e no legs. but they h**e two arms.

b: they h**e no legs, and they h**e no arms.

ss: choose b

t: how do you know

ss: tell in chinese.

1) 根据上下文推测句意;

2) 根据**信息推测;



t:the other three students h**e only one animal friend. how do they talk about their friends?

find some aspects they talk about the animals.


ss: read and find the aspect about animals.

ss: tell in chinese.

1) 总体印象;

2) 外貌细节;


step3. consolidation

different animals, different appearance. now try to read the whole story about their animal friends.

ss: read the text together.

read in groups of four.(together, or role reading, choose the way they prefer)


2. t: think and write ( p 28), try to retell the text.

ss: fill in the blanks and retell the text.


you like their friends?

i h**e an animal friend, too.


yes, it has a small body.

it has a big mouth.


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