7年下 Unit3第一课时

发布 2024-02-29 07:20:12 阅读 6031




**新知。ask and answer in pairs (小组成员都要努力为小组争分呀!每组对话加2分)a:

how do you usually get to school ?

b: i usually take the subway . i get to school by subway.)展示汇报:

work: (注意第三人称单数的用法。每组对话加3分)


课题:unit 3第一课时时间:七年级英语周敬怡how do you get to school ?

long does it take? it takes….how far is it fromto..?

it’s about….2. listening skillwriting skill3.

know about some traffic rules.

target languagetarget language



a:how doeshe/she usuallyget to school ?

b:he /she usually takes the subway. (he/shegets to school by subway.) practice (完成2a,2b,2c)


how far?(kms)

tom2.交通用具的词(trainbussubwaybikecarboatropewaytaxi planeship


1. show some pictures to students,look at the pictures and learn the useful phrases:

实践创新:ride a bike, take a train/ a bus /a plane /a boat /subway /.walk to ,and by bike /bus

1. presentation : how long does it take….?ittakes…./on foot.

how far is it from…to…?it’s about…



by短语直接加交通工具单数,on foot没有复数,take短语后要加the/a,交。

a:how do you get to school?

通工具可单,可复。b:well, i usually

a:how far is it from your home to school?

2. look at your books: 1a , match the words with the pictures:b:about

a:how long does it take?



单项选择1. get to school2. get home1.—how does he go to hong kong?

3.骑自行车4. take the train

a. take the planeb. by the planec. by the air

5.乘坐出租车6.多远2is it from your home to school ?

—8 how longb. how farc. where7.

多久 usually go to schoola. ride the bikeb. on bikec.

by the bike二。根据汉语意思完成下列句子4does it take her to get to school?

a. how manyb. how longc. how far

5. if they live around the river, they can go somewhere

1.你在怎样到达学校?我常常骑自行车去上学。a. by trainb. by taxic. by boat

6. it takes them halfhour by taxi.

a. ab. anc. thed. /

2.从他家到学校要花费多长时间?花费10分钟。7your father usually go to work by car?


动词填空。i h**e a good friend. his name is john brown.

he is a school boy. his school is far fromhis home. every day it1a lot of time to get there.

the road2not flat, so he can' on the way or on the bus. he doesn't want to9late for school, so sometimeshe1to school.

a. dob. isc. does

d. are


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