
发布 2024-03-01 12:35:04 阅读 3361

pep6 unit 5(1) look at the monkeys

一. 教学内容:

1. 五个动词及它们的ing形式:walking, jumping, running, swimming, flying.

2. 句型:look at the ……it is……

3. 故事escape from the tiger(虎口脱险)

二. 设计思路:


三. 教学目标:

1. 能够听、说、读、写五个动词walk, jump, swim, run and fly, 及这五个动词的ing形式:walking, jumping, running, swimming, flying.

2. 能够听、说、认读句子look at the __it’sthe __is __注重新旧知识的融会贯通,能在实际情景中学会表达,并能复述和表演这个故事。

3. 培养学生热爱动物、热爱运动的良好品质。

四. 重点难点:

1. 教学重点是掌握五个动词的ing形式,并能用现在进行时进行表达。

2. 教学难点是running和swimming的拼写。

五. 教学准备:


六. 板书设计:

七. 教学步骤:

step 1: warming-up

1. greeting

t: hello, boys and girls, i’m miss sheng, from anchang primary school, nice to meet you!

ss: nice to meet you, too!

t: i like sports very much, do you like it ?

ss: yes!

t: ok, let’s do some sports.

step 2: presentation

1. ppt

t: wow, so many animals, what can they do?






spell the words. )

2. 一声鸟鸣引出what is the bird doing?

bird: flying, flying, i am flying.

spell and read like “f-l-y-i-n-g, flying, flying )

2. 教学jumping, walking, swimming and running 强调 swimming and running 的双写。

step 3: practice

1. let’s chant together

look at the bird. it is flying.

look at the rabbit. it is jumping.

look at the fish. it is swimming.

look at the dog. it is running.

look at the pig. it is walking.

t chant, then chant together and do the actions. )

2.. 引入故事。

t:who is coming?

s: tiger.

t:wow, where is the pig? ha-ha, here it is. it’s in my story.

step 4: extension( story time)

1. present the story:

escape from the tiger

look at the pig! it is walking.

pig: walking, walking, i am walking.

tiger: i’m coming. mm…… i’m hungry!

pig: jumping, jumping, i am jumping.

tiger: look, a pig! ah…… it’s my dinner. it’s jumping! i’m jumping, too!

pig: mr tiger, please don’t……don’t eat me!

tiger: no way!

the pig is running. the tiger is running, too.

pig: wow, a lake!

the pig is swimming.

tiger: ha-ha, i am swimming, too.

pig: help! help! help!

angle(天使):i’m coming! can i help you?

pig: yes, please……

angle: ma-mi-ma-mi-hong!

pig: oh, i’m a bee now! flying, flying, i am flying.

tiger: oh my dinner. 55555……

2. read the story.

3. yes or no?

4. act out the story together

5. show the story (师生表演——学生表演)

6. make a new story

escape from the tiger (ⅱ

t: take out your story-book and finish it.

step 5: homework

choose some words to write a story and make a mini story-book.


5上unit6 第一课时

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