
发布 2024-02-08 12:10:01 阅读 8646


show v.出示;给……看。

00:13.95] change n.& v.改变

dark adj.暗的;黑暗的。

00:18.70] far away from远离……close to靠近……

00:25.16] pillow n.枕头grandma n.奶奶;外婆。

00:30.01]comfortable adj.舒适的;舒服的。

00:33.15]try v.试kung fu n.功夫;武术。

00:38.40]▲dialogue1 look and read and actin groups.

00:47.36]xiaoling is sittingon a chair in herliving room in hernew apartment.

00:53.92]she is showingphotos of her oldhouse to herfriends.

01:00.26]xiaoling:welcome tomy new apartment!

01:04.73]let me show you thechanges between myold bedroom and thenew one.

01:11.97]this was my bedroomin my old house.

01:17.43]mike:it was smaller thanyour new room.

01:21.97]your bedroom hereis much bigger.

01:26.91]sally:your new room ismuch brighter,too.

01:32.06]the window in yourold house wasn'tlarge,01:

37.41]but the windows hereare much larger.

01:42.87] there wasonly one window inmy old bedroom,01:

49.92]so it was can see ourschool from here.

01:56.58]you are nearer tothe school now,aren't you?

02:02.23]xiaoling:yes,my old housewas far away fromour school.

02:08.78]now it's lot closerto the school.

02:13.83]jiamin:your bed hereis prettier thanthe one in your oldbedroom,isn't it?

02:19.96] bedand the pillows arepresents from mygrandma and grandpa

02:27.12]for my new bedroom.

02:30.78]jiamin:oh,this bed ismore comfortablethan mine!

02:36.73]mike:let me try,too!yongxian:here i come!

02:42.17]jiamin:now,catchthe pillow,mike!

02:46.01]yongxian:and catch this!

02:49.17]mike:watch my kung fu!xiaoling:oh,no!my pillows!

02:56.72]xiaoling:my bedroom was niceand clean before,but now it's messy.

03:04.06]sally:oh, atyou,jiamin,yongxian and mike.

03:10.41]she was happybefore but now sheisn't.

03:15.84]mike,yongxian &



unit 1

part 1 复习 unit 1


part 2 详析unit one 的知识点。

短语 on a chair, in the living-room, near to… ,lovely to look at, be in trouble,

show+某人+某物, show +某物 to +某人

changes between a and b.

句型 1. my old house was smaller than the new one.

2. my new house is larger than the old one. 以上两句中,请注意主语是旧的,谓语用过去时,如果是新的,谓语用现在时。

3. your bedroom here is much bigger. 注意 here 的位置

4. there is/ isn’t a chair and two beds in ……

there are/ aren’t a chair and two beds in ….

there was/wasn’t two beds and a chair in ….

there were/ weren’t two beds and a chair in …

注意 there be 句型, be 动词的单复数遵循邻近原则。

5. this bed is more comfortable than mine. =my bed 注意作对比的对象。 a 和 b 之间的变化。 从句。

6. with blonde hair 放在名词之后 he is a handsome boy with blonde hair. he had blonde hair.

7. when did he become a manager? in 1990.

8. i was a tennis player when i was young.

9. i was a student ten years am a teacher now.

looked beautiful./ it does not look…..行为动词过去时的否定式在动词原形前加does not)

11. it’ helpful to relate the english you learned to yourself. (to+动词原行=动词不定式。)

复习形容词的比较级变化。much +比较级。

1. 单音节以及少数双音节形容词或副词大致按以下规律变化:

1) 一般在形容词或副词后面直接加–er 变为比较级,加–est 变为最高级。如:


2) 以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,则双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-er变为比较级,加 –est 变为最高级。如:


3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,则将改y为 i 再加-er变为比较级,加 –est 变为最高级。如:


4) 以字母 e 结尾的,直接加 –r 变为比较级,加 –st 变为最高级。如:


2. 多音节以及某些双音节形容词或副词变为比较级或最高级时,则通常在其前加more变为比较级,加 most变为最高级。如:

important—more important—most important

difficult—more difficult—most difficult

useful—more useful—most useful

3. 少数单音节,特别是分词形容词,须在前面加more变为比较级,(the) most变为最高级。如:

fond—more fond—most fond

pleased—more pleased—most pleased

4. 有些的比较级或最高级有两种形式,如:

clever—cleverer / more clever—cleverest / most clever

able—abler / more able—ablest / most able

narrow—narrower / more narrow—narrowest / most narrow

part 3完成以下练习。

1 do you understand it?

1. listen to the dialogue and choose the right words to fill in the blanks.

1) xiaoling and her friends are in xiaoling’s

a. old apartmentb. new apartment

2) xiaoling likes herbetter.

a. new apartment b. old apartment

3) xiaoling’s new apartment is

a. close to her school b. close to her old apartment

4) the boyson xiaoling’s bed.

a. sitb. jump

5) the boys play with xiaoling’s __

a. booksb. pillow

6) xiaoling isin the end (最后).

a. happyb. unhappy

7) xiaoling’s room isin the end.

a. nice and cleanb. messy

2. compare xiaoling’s new apartment with her old one and finish these sentences.

1) xiaoling’s new bedroom isthan her old bedroom.


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