
发布 2024-02-08 12:40:01 阅读 6981

lesson 1 xi’an is a beautiful city.

本课谈论的是旅游方面的话题,对话内容侧重于旅游前的准备活动。通过学习使学生乐于并能主动和别人用英语谈论旅游的话题。学生要掌握一些和旅游活动相关的句子和短语,例如where are you going?

\ who will take you there?\are you ready for your trip?\ h**e a good time.

还有学生要会说一些旅游景点的名称。例如,qinshihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses(兵马俑),the gteat wall(长城), the bell tower(钟楼), the west lake(西湖)。


1. 会说会用这些句子:

where are you going ? i’m going to …(名胜古迹名称) who will take you there?

2. 能听懂会说会用名胜古迹名称:qin shihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses; the bell tower; the great wall; the weat lake.

3.理解会用一般将来时态的两种表达法:i’m going to …\i will…

4. 会说会用常用语:take a picture of…\ be ready for \h**e a good time

课前准备:1. 教师准备一些同学们都比较熟悉的景点**或cai 课件**:兵马俑,钟楼,长城,西湖等。

2. 同学们准备一些和爸爸妈妈一起照的景点合影。

教学过程:1. 热身(warming up)


a: what are you doing now?

b: i’m buying a train ticket. why are you here?

a: i want to buy a train ticket, too.

b: where are you going?

a: i’m going to go to sichuan.

b: who will take you there?

a: my brother. where are you going?

b: beijing. i’ll visit my grandparents.

a: beijing is a famous city. do take more photos and h**e a good time.

b: thank you . the same to you.

a: goodbye.

b: byebye.

2. 新课展示(new presentation)




it’s very famous and great.

it’s in xi’an.

it’s about the qin dynasty.

从而引出秦始皇兵马俑,教师教授英文单词---qin shihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses.

the bell tower 钟楼。

the west lake 西湖。

the great wall 长城教法从上。


this is the terra-cotta warriors and horses.

it’s in xi’an.

it’s famous and great.

this is the bell tower.

it’s in xi’an.

it’s famous and beautiful.

this is the west lake.

it’s in hangzhou

it’s famous and nice.

2) 语言点讲述。

1. 教师拿出一张**,询问 what’s this? 学生回答 it’s a picture.

或it’s a photo. 从而引出短语照相 take a picture of some place\ take a photo of some place . take a picture\photo of the bell tower

课文中在take some pictures 之前加上do, 用来加强语气,可理解为“一定要”。 for example,do take some pictures of the bell tower when you are in xi’an.

2. be ready for sth (为…做好准备)

例如:are you ready for english test?

3. h**e a good time ( 玩得高兴) 还可以说 h**e a nice\wonderful time.

3) 语法点讲述。

教师将语法点进行讲解,一般将来时态是指在将来时间发生的事情和动作。有两种表达法:be going to do something\ will do something


where are you going?

i’m going to go to beijing.

who will take you there?

my father will take me there.


4. 听课本录音,学习课文。

listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions.(**录音)

a: what is robin going to do ?

b: he is going to buy the air ticket to xi’an.

a: who will take him there?

b: his parents will take him there.

a: which place is the most famous one in xi’an?

b: qin shihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses

5. do the exercise of let’s practice (1)

(1) i’m going to xi’an.

i’ll take some pictures of qin shihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses.

(2) i’m going to shandong.

i’ll take some pictures of mount tain.

(3) i’m goin gto hangzhou.

i’ll take some pictures of the west lake.

lesson 2 i am a visitor here.

本课谈论的仍然是旅游话题,但侧重与在旅馆里,服务员和旅客之间简单的对话。学生要掌握与人交往的基本礼仪句型。where are you from?

\is it the first time you come to…?\how did you come here?同时学生还应该掌握个别国家名称,例如england,america,australia和france。


1. 会认会说会用会写以下有关国家名称的单词

england, english, austraia, australian, france, french.

2. 掌握会说会运用以下句型。

where are you from? i’m from …

is it the first time you come to…? i hope you will enjoy yourself here.

how did you come here? i came here by …



听说读写关于国家名称的单词england, english, austraia, australian, france, french 和visitor, hotel.




教学过程:1. 热身(warming up)


a:my name is john. i’m a visitor here.

b: welcome to our city. can i help you?

a: i h**e visitied qing shihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses. it’s great.

where can i go else?

b: you can go to see the bell tower. it’s in the center of xi’an.

a: it sounds great.


eg where are you going?i m going to go to beijing.who will take you there?my father will take me there.3.小结。本课重点学习了著名景点的名称,要求学生不但要熟练掌握景点名词,并且能用简单的形容词来...

六年级《英语》上册教案 陕旅版

西关小学教学设计。2014 2015学年度第一学期 学科。任课班级。任课教师。2014年月日。2014 2015学年度第一学期教学进度表。陕西旅游版六年级英语上册教学计划。一 教材分析 本教材注重学生审美感受和语言能力的培养,强调学生创新意识和实践能力的协调发展,以 接近社会 贴近学生 学以致用 为...


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