
发布 2020-08-11 16:04:28 阅读 8786

lesson 1 xi’an is a beautiful city.



lesson 2 i am a visitor here.

本课谈论的仍然是旅游话题,但侧重与在旅馆里,服务员和旅客之间简单的对话。学生要掌握与人交往的基本礼仪句型。where are you from?

\is it the first time you come to…?\how did you come here?同时学生还应该掌握个别国家名称,例如england,america,australia和france。


1. 会认会说会用会写以下有关国家名称的单词

england, english, austraia, australian, france, french.

2. 掌握会说会运用以下句型。

where are you from? i’m from …

is it the first time you come to…? i hope you will enjoy yourself here.

how did you come here? i came here by …



听说读写关于国家名称的单词england, english, austraia, australian, france, french 和visitor, hotel.




教学过程:1. 热身(warming up)


a:my name is john. i’m a visitor here.

b: welcome to our city. can i help you?

a: i h**e visitied qing shihuang’s terra-cotta warriors and horses. it’s great.

where can i go else?

b: you can go to see the bell tower. it’s in the center of xi’an.

a: it sounds great.

b: is it the first time for you to come to xi’an?

a: yes. xi’an is a great city.

b: excuse me. where are you from?

a: i’m from america.

b: i hope you will h**e a good time here.

a: thank you very much.

b: it’s my pleasure.

2.新课展示(new presentation):



首先来学习如何询问别人的国籍,有三种问法: (教师在黑板上写出以下句子)

1. where are you from?

2. where do you come from?

3. what’s your nationality?(国籍)


1. i’m from …

2. i come from…

3. my nationality is…

在答句后面一般要跟国家名称, 教师出示自己的国家名称**,在教授的过程中,教师要让学生非常清楚的了解到国家名称和关于这个国家的两类词汇之间的区别,特别是在拼写和语音上,for example,中国 ——china (chinese 中国人的,汉语)

英国———england ( english 英国人的,英语)

法国—— france (french 法国人的,法语)

澳大利亚———australia (australian 澳大利人的)

美国 ——america(american,美国人的)


i’m from china. i’m a chinese.

i’m from australia. i’m an australian.


how do you come to…? 教师将这个重要句型写在黑板上,在回答时,我们要用副词短语 “by…”

出示短语)by bike --骑自行车。

by car---驾驶汽车。

by bus---乘公共汽车。

by plane --乘坐飞机。

by ship --乘坐轮船。

on foot---步行。


a: how do you go to school?

b: i go to school by bus.

a: hpw did you go to work?

b: i go to work by car.


a: how do you go to hainan?

b: maybe i go there by train.

a: how do you go to sichuan?

b: maybe i go there by train.

在课文中还有一个比较重要的短语 “enjoy yourself”

(出示短语和意思) 玩得开心。

教师向学生解释这个短语和 ‘h**e a good time’意思一样。一般用在祝福别人旅途愉快时。

3. 小结。






4. 听课文录音回答问题。(**课文录音)

a: where is helen from?

b: he is from astralia.

a: is it the first time for him to come to xi’an?

b: yes, it is.

a: how did he come here?

b: by plane.

5. do the exercise of let’s practise (ⅰ

i’m a stranger here. it’s my first time to yunnan. i like walking in the village and see the hens and cows.

well , i don’t like the buses in the city. i like sleeping in a hotel and eating in a restaraut. i’ll visit lijiang ancient city and dali city and go shopping.

6. do the exercise of let’s practise (ⅱ

1. a: this is the first time we come to qindao.

b: welcome to our city! where are you from?

a: we’re from france.

b: how did you come here?

a: by train.

b: i hope you will enjoy yourself here.

2. a: this is the first time we come to sichuan.

b: welcome to our city. where are you from?

a: we’re from america.

b: how did you come here?

a: by train.

b: i hope you will enjoy yourselves here.

this is the first time we come to beijing.

b: welcome to our city. where are you rom?

a: we’re from australia.

b: how did you come here?

a: by ship.

b: i hope you will enjoy yourselves here.

this is the first time we come to hangzhou.

b: welcome to our city. where are you from?

a: we're from england.

b: how did you come here?


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