
发布 2024-01-30 22:10:05 阅读 6700

英语第四单元 then and now 讲义 (文法整理)

1. “的过去式, there was, there were, 否定句写成 there weren’t

a) [在那边有5棵树, there are five trees over there.

b) [上个月在那边有5棵树, there were five trees over there last month.

c) 去年在那边没有任何一棵树。there weren’t any trees over there last year.

2. [公式:主词+ didn’t (couldn’t) +原形动词 +过去时间

a) 那时你不喜欢吃胡萝卜:you didn’t like to eat carrots then.

b) 去年他不爱去游泳:he didn’t love to go swimming last year.

c) 那时我的羽毛球打得不好:i couldn’t play badminton well then.

d) 去年他没戴眼眼镜。我也没有he didn’t wear glasses last year, me either.

3. [take+ 时间 + to + 原形动词 , 用于过去式和现在式。

a) 从前我们花数天到从韶关到北京, 但现在坐高鉄只花9小时。 we took days to go to beijing from shaoguan before. but, it takes only 9 hours by high speed train now.

b) 我们会花3小时去读这本有趣的书。we can take three hours to read the funny book.

4. 重要短语:

a) 一点也没有 :not…..at all. (我一点也不喜欢吃胡萝卜:i don’t like to eat carrot at all.)

b) 数年(月)前:years ago (months ago)(我几年前离开北京:i left beijing years ago)

c) 告诉我(我们)有关于…tell me about… (老虎的事 …tiger.)

d) 将要:be going to = will (be动词随主词变更)

e) 在那时侯:at that time (表示过去时间)

f) 花(时间)..做某事 : take 时间 to (做某事)

g) 在网络上查阅:look it up on the internet

h) 绊倒:trip and fall

i) 醒来:wake up (过去式: woke up)

j) 多么有趣的梦啊! what a interesting dream it is ! 倒装变感叹句 (it is a有趣的梦)

5. 重要字词:

a) 也没有:either 我没有载眼镜, 我也没有。 i don’t ware glasses, either do i.

b) 先前,之前:before ,以前这里有条河流。there was a river before.

c) 已经:already,百万年前鲸鱼已经住在海里 the whales already lived in the sea million years ago. (million 百万)


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