
发布 2023-11-11 14:15:04 阅读 1258

8a unit1 period 1 comic strip & welcome to the unit

课前预习。一。 根据句意或首字母提示写出单词。

1. they are hstudents. i believe them.

2. joy is my classmate. i can talk to her about anything. she can keep a sfor me.

3. i can s___my joy and sadness with her.

4. we often laugh because she often tells l___

5. in my free time, i often read m






9. 在碗里10. 又聪明又幽默

11. 又好看又有礼貌12. 一个诚实的孩子

课后巩固。一. 选择填空。

)1. beforethe door, you shouldat it first.

a. open; knockb. opening; to knock

c. opening; knockd. to open; knock

)2. would you like to share the room___her brother?

a. with b. and c. of d. on

)3. -can i h**e___beef, please?

sorry, we don't h**e __

a. some, some b. any; any c. some; any my

)4. i h**e __to tell you .please keep quiet.

a. important something anything

c. something important d. anything important

)5. –do you want some milk?

i’m full.

please. thank you. c. yes, i do. d. no, i don’t.

)6. he thinksbefore he works. how he is!

a careful, carefully b care, careful c carefully, careless d carefully, careful

) 7.--where is the room?

it __behind the clouds.

a. maybe b. may be c. must d. may

) isdogs, so he keeps many at home.

in of about in

二。 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. mum, i'm still hungry. can i h**e one___many) piece of bread?

2. mr. wu often tells usfun)stories and makes us___laugh).

3. you should do it byyou).

4. they h**e problemswork) out the questions.

5. which isgood), a car or a bike?

6. simon wants somemuch) food.

7. is this bookhelp) to you?

8. what aboutdance) in the hall?

9. you’re sofriend).

三。 根据中文提示完成下列句子。

1. 我能喝点什么吗?

can idrink?

2. 来点牛奶怎么样?

some milk?

3. 你可以信任他们, 因为他们从不说谎。

you canbecause they

4. 我可以再睡十分钟吗?

may i sleep

5. 一些大学生很乐于帮忙。

some college students

6. 冰箱里什么都没有。

in the fridge.


1. can i h**e two more eggs?(同义句)

can i h**eeggs?

2. i can tell may anything because she never tells my secrets.(同义句)

i can tell may anything because she can

3. he’s friendly.(对划线部分提问)

is he4. there is nothing in the box. (同义句)

therein the box.

5. maybe we are right. (同义句)



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