
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 1605

t:good morning boys and girls. sit down r u ,today?

s:i’m fine, you?

t:i’ fine,too. how’s the weather today?s:

t:winter is coming .the weather is becoming colder and you think so?

in order to keep health ,i think we should do some some you like sports? do you like pe?s:

t: i think all of you like it .

today we are going to talk about some sports are we going to talk about?look over here! (在白板上显现各种运动的**)

t:what are they about ? can you tell me ?

who can tell me ? any voluntaries?s:

they are about what kind of sports?s:foot ball volleyball ……

t:ok,they are allball games. (板书这个词组,分别用升、降调领读)t:

how many kinds of ball games did you see ,just now?s:……

t:there are 5? do youthink so ?

is he right? let’s take a look at those pics.(重新出示那些运动的**)

now no1 is a basketball.(教师领读在白板出示音标和单词)do you like playing basketball?s:

……板书play basketball)

t:andwhataboutthisone?(出示第二张足球**) you play soccer ball?s:……

t:and what about this ball?(出示pingpang的**及单词) table tennis or pingpongcan you play ping pong?

do you like playing pingpong ball?chinese pingpong ball team is the best in the world!

t:and what about?(出示tennis**及单词音标)can you play…?

and what’s this?(volley ball**及单词音标)can you play…?

出示各种球的单词,领读,然后出示**,打乱顺序,找同学来配对)t:match the words with the pics.

read together,(教师示范分别用升调和降调来读)

read the words as quickly as you can when i point it (找同学来读)

guess what they are.(把**挡住,一部分,让同学来猜) what’s this? is it a …?

it’s….read the word together (教师指,学生读)play the game find the words in the table.

句型:t:ilike playing tennis very m good at it .

so i h**e a tennis ball.(板书句子)let’s play 提问学生)excuse me,do you h**e a tennis ball?s:

……t:what about you? do you h**e a tennis ball?s:…

t:i want to play pingpong .but i don’t h**e a pingpong ball or pingpong you h**e a pingpong ball?

doyou h**e a pingpong bat ? ok let’s play pingpong.

板书句子,)do you understand? practice the conversation in h**e an english you h**e an english book?i don’t h**e a math book, do you h**e a math book?

open you books look at the picture, 2boys are are they talking about?(看动画,跟读,齐读)let’ go over the new words ,(做1a的练习)where is the …?try to read them again …

做1b的练习)听完之后t:what did you hear just now?s:(画圈的单词)t:circle………

t:i h**e a tennis ball. do you h**e a tennis ball(单独提问)s1:…yes i do /no, i don’t/

t:he has / doesn’t h**e a tennis ball. what ball do you h**e? he has …he has or he h**e.

i h**e a basket ball, you can say :your english teacher has a basket ball,he has a basketball.(板书句型)look over here ,(出示一张运**片)does he h**e a basket ball?


t:does he h**e a pingping ball?s:…

t(出示下一个运动的**,继续提问)does she h**e …?学生回答:yes she does does she h**e…?学生回答no,she doesn’t.

做3c的练习)this is bob’s room let’s talk about it .what does he h**e?answer my questions.

(老师提问)does he h**e …?talk about bob’s room ,practise in pairs. you two begin.

(学生说完对话之后老师继续提问)does …(可以说一些**里面没有的东西)a:i h**e a …ball

b;she /he has a… h**e a tennisc:she/ he has a tennis ih**e a……

let’s h**e a competition which group is the fastest?做2a的听力练习。



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