
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 2459

unit 9what does he look like?


本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书《新目标英语》七年级下册中第七单元,本单元的核心话题是谈论人的外表形象(image),因此‘talking about sb’s image’是教学重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示人外观的词组及句型。单元知识结构词汇:

名词:hair, height,build,captain,team,bit,joke,person,heard,grasses,mustache image,winner etc.

形容词:short,curly,straight,high,thin, he**y,etc短语:

look like, good一looking,a little bit,etc句型:

what does he/she look like?--he/she is tall.what do you look like?--i’m thin.语法:

what does he/she look like?--he/she is tall.what do you look like?--i’m thin.单元总体目标。

1. master the vocabulary.

2. master and use:--what does he/she look like?

--he/she is tall.--what do you look like?—i’m thin.单元教学重难点:

1. the vocabulary.

2. -what does he/she loo like?he/she is tall.what do you look like?i’m thin.

use the language to talk about sb’s image.单元学情分析。

学生在七年级上册已经学过关于“what does he like?”这一特殊疑问句式,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。谈论人的外表形象是人们日常生活中遇到的话题。

故学生喜于用英语表达此类知识。本单元共4课时:section a(一)1课时section a(二)1课时section b(一)1课时section b (二)1课时。


the vocabulary:like,look like,short,hair, curly,straight,height,thin,he**y,build

2. master and use:--what does he/she look like?

--he/she is tall.--what do you look like?—i’m thin.过程与方法:

学生在以前已学过what引导的特殊疑问句式,已具备了学习本课的初步知识,能自然的与本课知识相衔接。通过例子“i am thin; what doyou look like"引人创设情景,让学生有如身临其境,采用学生提出问题,学生回答问题,借助**来提高学生的主动性。情感态度价值观让学生学会赞美别人。


1. the vocabulary.

2、language:what do you look like/ what does he/she look like?难点。

use the language to talk about others image.


述自己的长相特征,借助于课件及图画来引出what does he/she looklike?.教学步骤。


now boys and girls,let’s sing the colors talk

ask the students to describe his/her own


1.what do you look like?(point to lili standing now)

lili:i’m tall and good-looking.(板书good-looking,师师读两遍)2.what does tom look like?(point to two ss)

3.point to other students in pictures(short hair/curly hair/long hair/straight hair /tall /short /medium height/thin/he**y/a medium build)4.用卡片出示不同形象的人物**与学生进行两两问答(仿照lc)what does your friend look like?she/he has/is…

5.出示一张与课本相同的图画,学生完成1 a match the words with thepictures.this activity introduce the vocabulary).(帮助学生做出正确答案.)

6.listen 1b.listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find amy’s friend?we will listen twice.the first time, just lister.

the second time,listen and fill in the blanks.and say amy’s friend’s

unage.he's really tall.and he has curly hair.

7.listen 2a and 26 and find the difference between is and has.step4practicepairwork

practice the conversation below.then ask and introduce other person inthe

words and phrases of this classlanguage:

what does he...look like?he. .is/has...step6testself check


if you h**e~good foreign friends,but your friends don’t know want to intn3uce them to your friends as their pen friends.then ask some of them to act out their dialogues.step8homework

describe your good friend to your partener and make two dialogues.练习设计翻译下列句子:


3.他长得很高,卷头发。4.玛丽长得高还是矮?板书设计unit7.what does he look like?

1, what do you/they look like?i’m short/thin/…

2,what does he/she look like?he/she is tall/thin/…


u 9词组条。一 短语归纳。short long hair短 长发。curly straight hair卷发 直发。be of medium height中等个子。be of medium build中等身材。go to the movies去看电影。a little有点儿。look like看起...

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