
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 1467

unit 4 don’t eat in class.

the first period (section a, 1a–2c)

一、recycling (复习巩固)

go out, do your homework, watch tv, clean your room, help your mom make breakfast

in the evening, every saturday



本单元的话题talk about rules.与日常生活密切相关。作为一名中学生,遵守校纪班规家法,和社会公共场所的规章制度是必须的。

在谈论规则时,一般运用祈使句、情态动词can和h**e to等。这是英语新课程标准中规定所必须掌握的内容,是交际英语中必不可少的项目。因此,本单元对于提升学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的听、说、读、写能力都有很大的帮助。

三、教学目标 :

1.掌握unit 4 词汇 :

1)名词n. rule, hallway, hall, fight

2) 动词v. arrive, listen, fight, wear

3) 形容词 adj. sorry, outside

4) 词组 be on time, dining hall, listen to…



what are the rules? we can’t ….don’t …/we h**e to …

can we … yes, we can./no, we can’t.

what do you h**e to do? we h**e to …


四、重点、难点、考点 :

1.掌握unit 4 词汇



don’t eat in class

can we wear a hat in class?

no,we can’t.

we always h**e to wear the school uniform.


五、skills (技能)

listening for key information

scanning in reading


七、teaching steps (教学步骤)

1. warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

1)greet the class.

(2) listen to a song.

t: do you like this beautiful song?

can we listen to it in class?

t: can we listen to music in the classroom?

what can we do in the classroom?

what can’t we do in the classroom?


2. presentation (呈现新知识)

1) present the new words: classroom, hallway, dining room, fight, arrive late for class.

show some pictures of the new words on the screen. h**e ss read these words.

classroom, hallway, dining room, fight, arrive late for class

2) flash some pictures quickly on the screen. h**e ss say the words according the pictures as quickly as they can.

3) show some pictures of different activities that are happening in the school.

help ss understand the school rules.

t: can you run in the hallways? don’t run in the hallways.

t: can you fight? don’t fight.

t: can you listen to music in class? don’t listen to music in class.

t: can you eat in the classroomdon’t eat in the classroom.

you can only eat in the dining hall.

t: can you arrive late for classdon’t arrive late for class.

you must be on time.


3. drill (练习)

show the pictures as quickly as possible. h**e ss say the new words. then use the new words to make conversations.

t: let’s play a game. please say the new words as quickly as you can.

then make a conversation like this:

a: what are the rules?

b: don’t …


八。 homework (课后作业)



1. work (名词7. photo (同义词)

2. mother (对应词8. television (缩写形式)

3. late (反义词9. jobs (单数)

4. long (反义词10. brother (所有格形式)

5. good (最高级)

6. black (反义词)

ii. 英汉互译

1.踢足球2. 体育

3. 喜欢科学4. 课后

5. 做早操6. 在星期三

7. be sure8. for two hours

9. be strict with sb10. art teacher




课题 don t eat in class.共 6课时 第 1 课时section a 1a 1c 一 教学目标 1 语言知识目标 1 能掌握以下词汇及短语 rules,arrive hallway,hall,dining hall,listen,listen to fight,sorry,be o...

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