
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:55 阅读 6831

★ language goal

掌握:① 学会用简短英语谈论职业。



2、句型:① what does he do ? he’s a waiter.

what do you want to be? what does he want to be? she wants to be a police officer.

3. 自主预习。

1). 汉译英。

1. 店员___2. 医生___3. 银行职员___4. 记者5. 男服务员___

6. 男警察___7. 助理8. 医院___9. 女警察___10. 主演___

11. 苏珊的弟弟12. 安娜的母亲想做什么。

13. 他是做什么的。




1) what do you do ? i’m a (anwhat does he( she, your father…) do ? he(she)’s a (an) …

2) what are you ? i’m a (anwhat’s he (she, your father, …he(she)’ a (an) …

3) what’s your (his/her) job ? i’m a (an)…=my job is a (an) …he/she/is a(an)….his/her job is…

②1). what do you want to be ? what does he (she) want to be ? 主要询问对方将来打算做什。

么职业? 回答时用i want to be +职业或 he (she) wants to be +职业。

2). 动词want 的用法:want的基本意思是“想、想要”,其后须接名词或代词作宾语。

a. want sth. “想要某物”, 如:i want a pen. 我要一支笔。

b. want to do sth. “想做某事”, 如: i want to see the action movies. 我想看功夫片。

c. want sb. to do sth. “要某人做某事”,i want my students to work hard.

③ 独立完成学习检测p33即时练习。 运用① ②知识重新组织2c对话。

④ 自己复习有关名词所有格相关内容。





1. they are great __policeman) .

2. my sister wants to be areport).

3. my uncle is await).

4. shework) in a hospital.


1. my brother is a waiter. (对划线部分提问)

(1your brother do ?

(2) _your brother’s

(3your brother ?

2. lucy works in the school. (对划线部分提问)

___does lucy

3. she can sing and dance. (改为否定句)

she __sing __dance.

4. my uncle works in that restaurant. (改为一般疑问句)

___your uncle __in that restaurant?

5. tom is a waiter. (改为同义句)

tom __in a

汉译英。1. 他想做什么?

whhat2. 她想做一名记者。

shea3. 我想再买个电脑打电脑游戏。

i want to buyand


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