七年级下英语U9 A复习

发布 2023-03-06 17:53:28 阅读 3622

(7年级) unit9 what’s the best radio station?

一、 words(单词): 你能顺利默写下列单词吗?

1 无线电台2 座位___

3 喂,饲养___过去式4 我的(名词性物主代词5 邀请___名词6 折叠过去式)__

7 洗衣店8 借入9 青少年10 憎恨___


1 干杂物2 洗盘子3 洗衣服。

4 扫地5 打扫客厅6 整理床铺。

7 扔垃圾8 叠衣服。

9 在外面呆到很晚10 搭便车11 去开会___12 讨厌干某事13 买些饮料和零食。

14 借些钱15 邀请我的朋友来参加聚会。

16 用cd**机17 照顾。

18 带某人去散步19 跟某人一起玩___20 在家。

三、drills and sentences(句型和句子)

1 请你打扫一下你的房间好吗?好的,当然可以。/ 对不起,我正在复习考试。

clean your room ?

i’m studying for my test .

2 我可以用你的电脑吗?可以。/ 对不起,我将要用的。

use your computer ?

yesi’m going toit .

3 谢谢照顾我家的狗my dog .

4 带他去散步,并跟他一起玩。

___himandhim .

5 我需要一些帮助。别忘了清理他的床。

i needclean his bed .

6 请你买些饮料,好吗drinks ?

7 我可以用你的字典吗?我的在家里。

___i use youris at home .

四、grammar (语法): 略)

五、 巩固练习。

一、 选择填空

)1do you clean your room? —every day.

a.how often b.how long c.how soon d.how far

) 2. could you please sweep the floori h**e to do my homework.

a. yes, sure. b. why not? c. sorry, you can’t. d. sorry, i can’t

)3.could you pleasethe dishes?

a.dob.to doc.doing d.did

)4.i don’t like ******bed but i like ******tea.

a./;the b.the;the c.thed./;

)5.thanks very much forme such a beautiful present.

a.giveb.to give c.giving d.gives

)6.don’t forgetthe door when you le**e.

a.to close b.closec.closing d.closes

)7.i forgethim the news.in fact i h**e told him.

a.to tellb.telling c.toldd.tell

)8.she has funenglish.

a.speakb.speaking c.sayd.saying

)9.he often borrows money __others but he doesn’t lend anything __anybody.

a.from;from b.to;from c.from;to d.to;to

)10.i invited himour school last week .

a.to visit b.visited c.visiting d.visits

)11.could i buy __drinks and snacks?there aren’t __in the fridge.

a.some;any b.some;some c.any;any d.any;some

)12.you are late again.whya little earlier?

a.not you come b.do you comec.don’t you come d.you don’t come

)13.—what about h**ing a cup of tea

a.i want it b.help yourself c.good idea d.me,too

)14. let's go to play football.—sorry. i'm___a math problem.

a. working out b. working on c. working for d. working with

( )15. we’ll h**eto do in english class.

a. something different b. different something

c. anything different d. different anything

二、 用所给词或首字母提示完成下列单词 。

1.as ateen),i should work hard at my lesson.

2.could you do someshop)with me?

3.he spoke first at themeet)yesterday.

4.you should take care ofyou).

5.it’s tiringsweep)all the rooms by myself.

6. this is your book, mis at home .

7. he ime to a party yesterday.

8. there is going to b___a meeting today.

9. she washes many碟子) every day.

10. we are not going there when it下雨)tomorrow.

11. heforget) to turn off the light when he left the room.

s importantstay) healthy for everyone.

wantsclean) the floor on weekend.

tom grows up, hestudy) abroad(国外).

15. after you get up, who helps youmake) your bed ?

三、 句型转换。

1. i took care of my bird. .同义句) imy bird.

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