
发布 2023-03-03 14:52:28 阅读 2598

七年级下册unit 6 复习导学案。

复习导航:1.复习并掌握there be结构。



4. 能够用英语谈论交通标志,交通规则和交通设施。






3. child(复数4. use(形容词。

副词6. three(序数词。

8. hear(过去分词9. across(动词。

10. lose(形容词名词。

11. city (复数12. noisy(名词。

13. obey (单三式反义词。

14. serve (表示人的名词表示物的名词。

15. danger(形容词反义词。


1. 在二楼2. 弹钢琴。

3. next to the window4. 在门后面。

5. put away6. in the center of the yard

7. 在---的左/右边8. 按时/准时。

9. 谈论10. mail letters

11. 听见某人正在做某事12. 去邮局的路___

13. across from14. 受到伤害。

15. 车祸/交通事故16. 遵守规则。

17. 等待18. 保持安静。

19. 迟到20. 离这儿10千米远。

21. 丧生22. 超速罚款单。

23. get sb to do sth24. 横穿街道。

四、辨析下列方框中的词组,用正确形式完成句子。(小组讨论交流,本组内不能解决的问题, 求助于其他组同学或老师)

1 be careful when you __the street.

2 go __the bridge , you will find the post office on your left.

3 the two friends were walking __the forest.

i __a girl singing in the classroom when i came in.

we must __our teacher carefully in class.

hehis sister last week. he was very happy.

4 h**e youthe great wall before?

5 his idea __great.

6 were you happy when youthe good news?

--thanksyou are welcome.

there aretrees and flowers in our school.

lucy knowsabout china.

will you come back? in two weeks.

h**e you been here? for three days.

___do you watch tv every week? four times.

students are there in you class? fifty .

is this nice coat? seventy yuan.

is it from your home to the hospital? twenty kilometers away.

the two girls stopped __call)the police when they saw the traffic accident.

we should do something useful to stop people fromthrow)litter into the river.

hearing the bell, the students stoppedtalk) and waited for the teacher to come in .

ourare changing all the time..

we arein thefilm. we all hope to see it someday.

this new method will certainlyyou.


1、there be 句型。

(1)there be句型表示“某时、某地有……”组句时时间、地点放于句末。接多个名词时,谓语采用就近原则。

eg:there is a book and two boxes on the desk.

there are two boxes and a book on the desk.

there will be a meeting tomorrow.

(2)there be 句型的否定形式:在be动词后加not;疑问形式:把be动词提前;反意疑问句仍用there be完成。

eg: there isn’t a computer in the room.

are there any new words? no, there aren’t.

there is a cat under the bed, isn’t there?

(3) there be 的各种时态:

一般现在时态:there is/are

一般过去时态:there was/were

there used to be

一般将来时态:there will be

there is/are going to be

现在进行时:there is/are sb/sth doing

现在完成时:there h**e/has been



2)以动词原形开头,否定形式在谓语动词前加don’t。以let开头的祈使句否定形式常为:don’t let sb do或let sb not do

eg: let him do.

don’t let him do that.

let’s not go.

3)改为间接引语用固定句型:tell/ask/order sb (not) to do sth

eg: he said to me, “close the door, please.”(改为间接引语)

---he asked/told me to close the door.


in, on, at, under, to, along, by=beside(在……旁边), next to, close to, near, far from

at the foot of, on the top of在……脚下/顶部。

across from, on the opposite of 在……对面。

in the corner of(室内), at/on the corner of(户外)

in the center of 在…中心, between…and两者之间。

at the back of(内部) behind(外部)

in the front of(内部) in front of, before(外部)


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