08 09下七年级英语期中试卷A卷

发布 2023-03-06 17:51:28 阅读 9315







v.情景对话(5分): 1.__2.__3.__4.__5.__



i. 请根据所给的音标,写出单词。(5分)

1. go along this road to the end, you’ll see it. you can’tit.

2. there is somein my purse.

3. the fat cat is behind the

4. i like english

5. we often swim in the swimming

ii. 请根据句子意思填写单词,首字母已给出。(5分。

1.—what’s your f**orite s___

math is my f**orite.

2. we must stop, when the t___lights are red..

3. w___is between tuesday and thursday.

4. my classmate is reading a book in the school l___

5. could you tell me the way to the bus s___

iii. 请根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。(每空一词)(5分)


2. the students should遵守规则)。

3. do you know去……的路) to lidu hotel?

4. you must be细心的) when you do your homework.

5. she有时)goes to the bookstore.

v. 情景对话part 1


man: hello, green community service center1

linda: hello2i live in apartment 606, building a.

man: oh3

linda: my kitchen fan doesn’t work.

man: sorry4the line is bad.

linda: there is something wrong with my kitchen fan.

man: ok5right now.

linda: thanks a lot.

man: that’s all right. er, apartment 606, building a. is that right?

linda: yes.


1. 我妈妈一个月购物三次。

my mother goes shoppinga month .

2. 街的拐角处有一家书店。

there is a bookstorethe street

3. 我从不走路去上学。

i never go to school

4. 他们在玩电脑游戏吗?

theycomputer games?

5. 她喜欢在星期天跳舞。

she likessunday.



以my bedroom 为题目,根据实际情况写一篇介绍你卧室的短文(尽量多用there be 句型),开头以给出。(不少于60个单词)

my bedroom

this is my bedroom. there is a bed ……


1.火车 2.轮船 3.飞机 4.地铁 5.一次

6.两次 7.美国人 8.日本人 9.跳舞 10.大楼

11.借用 12.归还 13.** 14.书写 15.绘画

16.图书馆 17.容易的 18.难的 19.有趣的 20.精彩的

21.美丽的 22.乏味的 23.友好的 24.花园 25.厨房

26.窗户 27.门 28.邻居 29.乡村 30.超市

31.博物馆 32.饭馆 33.车站 34.桥 35.米

36.千米 37.服务 38.检查 39.更换 40.事故

41.故事 42.危险的 43.安全的 44.公共的 45.灯

46.花 47.镜子 48.错过 49.星期六 50.星期天


1.对……也一样 2.了解 3.踢足球

4.弹钢琴 5.从……学习 6.存钱

7.做卡片 8.此刻 9.寻找

10.遵守交通规则 11.在二楼 12.照顾;保管

13.看医生 14.生活费用 15.紧邻_

16.在第一个路口 17.使某人做某事 18.和…一起玩

19.在郊区 20.沿着……走 21.受伤

22.听见某人做某事 23.在某人的业余时间。

24.带有家具的房子 25.在……方面做得更好 __



)1.if a driver drives too fast,he will get a ticket for __

a. drinking b. ****** a wrong turn

c. parking in a wrong place d. speeding

)2.i don’t like politics at all because it’s very___

a. interesting b. boring c. easy d. beautiful

)3.it’s good___children and old people cross the road.

a. helping b. helps c. help d. to help

)4.excuse me,how can i __main street?

a. gets b. get to c. is getting d. get

)5.mary likes __tv very much.

a. watching b. seeing c. looking at d. looking

)6.there are __floors in the lives on the second floor.

a. second b. one c. two d. first

)7.—_chairs are there in the study?

only one.

a. how many b. which c. how much d. whose

)8.why not __and h**e a look with me?

a. go to upstairs b. go upstairs c. to go upstairs d. to go to upstairs

)9.the hospital is __the park.

a. between b. next c. close to d. on

)10.the boy __see a doctor because he isn’t well.

a. needs b. needs to c. needn’t d. need

)11.here are your __

a. put away it b. put it away c. put away them d. put them away

)12.—how long may i __the bike?


禄脿学校2014 2015学年度第二学期。七年级英语期中测试 满分100分,考试时间120分钟 第i卷 共75分 第一节 听句子选 下面你将听到5个句子,根据每个句子的内容,从每 片的a b c三个选项中选出相应的 每个句子读两遍。5分 abcabcabc abcabc第二节 听对话答题,下面你将听...


七年级下学期复习unit3 1.yesterday people came to the town to watch the car race.a.hundreds b.hundred c.hundreds of d.hundred of 2.alice likes doing housework....


试卷。就要七年级英语期中考试了,加油吧,亲爱的同学们,祝愿天下所有的学子们都能取得最好的成绩。下面是x为大家精心推荐的七年级英语上册期中试卷,希望能够对您有所帮助。七年级英语上册期中试题。一 单项选择。15分 1is that over thereis an what it b.what thatc...