
发布 2023-02-22 17:23:28 阅读 2846


1. yesterday __people came to the town to watch the car race.

a. hundreds b. hundred c. hundreds of d. hundred of

2. alice likes doing housework. she __her room every afternoon.

a. cleans b. cleaned c. is cleaning d. has cleaned

3is it from zunyi to guiyang? hope we can arrive in 2 hours. —about 150 kilometers.

a. how soon b. how long c. how far

4. —it __the chinese people eight years to build the three gorges dam(三峡大坝). how great!

a. spends b. costs c. paid d. took

5do you like the film, american captain 3? —it’s wonderful! i like it very much.

a. how b. who c. what d. when

6. —it’s our duty __our city clear and beautiful. —yes. we should do something for it.

a. to keep b. keep c. keeping

7. the park is far away from here indeed. it’s about __walk.

a. a three hour b. a three hour’s

c. a three-hours d. a three-hour

8. thanks for __me with my science.

a. help b. to help c. helping d. your help

9. —ellen, how about going to hong kong ocean park together?

a. enjoy yourself b. good luck

c. h**e a good trip d. sounds fantastic

10do you like huo zun’s “roll of bead curtain (卷珠帘)”?

very much. you know i love songs that both h**e great lyrics and beautiful music.

15is it from your home to school? —twenty minutes’ walk.

a. where b. how long c.

how d. how far 16. there __a pen and two english books on the desk.

22. eric is not going to nanjing by __plane. instead, he is taking __train.

a. /a b. a ; c.

a ; the d. the ; a

23do you get to school?

___my parent’s car.

a. how ; in b. what ; in c. how often ; by d. how ; with

24does it take you to get to school? —half an hour.

a. what time b. how long c. how far d. what

25do you __the football game?

it is wonderful.

a. what ; think of b. how ; think of

c. what ; like d. how ; think


1.yesterday __people came to the town to watch the car race.

a. hundreds b. hundred c. hundreds of d. hundred of

答案:c。句意:昨天数百人来到城镇看汽车拉力赛。hundreds of 表示模糊数字,意为“成百的”。

likes doing housework. she __her room every afternoon.

a. cleans b. cleaned c. is cleaning d. has cleaned

答案:a。由句中时间状语 every afternoon 可知该句应用一般现在时;主语为 she,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

4is it from zunyi to guiyang? hope we can arrive in 2 hours.

about 150 kilometers.

a. how soon b. how long c. how far


——遵义到贵阳多远?希望我们(开车)两小时内能到达。——大约 150 公里。

how soon 意为“多久以后”,用于一般将来时;how long 意为“多久”,表示动作持续的时间;how far 意为“多远”,表示距离。根据答语,可知应选 c 项。

5. —it __the chinese people eight years to build the three gorges dam(三峡大坝). how great!

a. spends b. costs c. paid d. took


——中国人用了 8 年的时间建造三峡大坝。——真伟大啊!it takes / took sb.

some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间去做某事。

6do you like the film, american captain 3? —it’s wonderful! i like it very much.

a. how b. who c. what d. when

答案:a。how 意为“如何”;who 意为“谁”;what 意为“什么”;when 意为“什么时间”。

由答语句“棒极了!我非常喜欢它。”可知,问句句意应为“你认为《美国队长 3》这部电影怎么样?

”。how do you like…?是固定句式,用于提问对人或事物的看法,故选 a 项。

7. —it’s our duty __our city clear and beautiful.

yes. we should do something for it.

a. to keep b. keep c. keeping

答案:a。考查非谓语动词的用法。it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,故选 a 项。

8. the park is far away from here indeed. it’s about __walk.

a. a three hour b. a three hour’s

c. a three-hours d. a three-hour


小时的路程”有两种表达方式:three hours’ walk 或 a three-hour walk。

七年级 下 期中试题

2014 2015学年第二学期期中教学质量检测。七年级语文试题。考试时间 120分钟分数 100分 一 积累与运用 24分 1.给下列加点字注音或根据拼音写出汉字 4分 尽态极妍戛然而止鲜为人知潜心贯注 义愤填y ng人声d ng 沸 妇r皆知 ji ng 乎不同。2 填入下列空格处最恰当的一组词是...


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遵义市北关中学2012 2013学年度第二学期期中检测试卷。七年级语文。考试时间150分钟,满分150分 考号班级姓名。一 语言积累及运用 30分 1 汉字积累 下列词语中加点字读音完全正确的一项是 3分 a 慷慨 g i 剽悍 bi o 猥鄙 w i 络绎不绝 y b 腼腆 di n 胆怯 qi ...