
发布 2020-09-17 21:19:28 阅读 4813



说明: 1、本试卷分第ⅰ卷(试题卷)和第ⅱ卷(答题卷)满分100分,考试时间90分钟。


1、听力理解 (20小题,每小题1分,共20分)



) the pencil case. the pencil case.

the pencil case.

) and and apples.

and apples.


) is __

) can call ann at __

a.854-1274 b.754-2321 c.754-1274

) likes __

and apples

)14.__is ann’s good friend.

) good friend doesn’t like __


) often goes to the movies __

sundays class the evening

) young people like __


)18.__often takes edward to the movies.

father grandfather

) likes __very much.


) wants to be __

beijing opera actor movie star english teacher

2、单项选择 (15小题,每小题1分,共15分)


( )father has a sister and a i h**e __aunt and __uncle.

( )22.--are these your pencils? -no, _aren’t.

( )is __classroom, but where is ours?

( )like the yellow hat very much and it’s not expensive. i’ll __it.

( )bookstore often sells different kinds of books __us.

( )26.--what time is it?

sorry, i don’t know. i __a watch.

h**e not h**e

( )sports.

the play

( )28.--how do you __it in english? -it’s an apple.

( )29.--if a=4,b=5,what’s the answer to the question“a+2ab+1

hundred and twenty-one

( )the book yours? ask the teacher __it.

( )is a __boy and he studies __at school.

( )32.--do you think math is

no,i think it’s really interesting.

( )33.--do you know the girl in yellow?

am is don’t know do

( )the volleyball star about her __habits.

( )35.--you look really beautiful in this pink dress,sally.

just so so you sure thanks

3、完形填空 (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


sports play an 36 part in our life.all over the world,people enjoy sports.wherever you are,you can 37 different kinds of sports or games.some sports or games can go back to thousands of 38 ,like running and jumping.chinese kung fu,for example,has a very long history. 39 basketball and volleyball are new.neither has a history of a hundred years.people are inventing new sports or games all the time.


人教版七年级英语上册期中试题二。安徽泗县大庄中学彭增奎。姓名得分。一。单词拼写 10分 1.her n 名字 is jenny.2.this j 夹克衫 is mine.3.the cup is p 紫色的 4.he is my uncle s son,so i call him c 堂兄 5.th...


七年级英语 上 期中检测试卷。时间 120分钟 满分 100分 姓名班级得分。温馨提示 这份试卷将检测你,经过一段时间学习的效果,请认真答题,祝你成功!请在答题卷上作答。第一部分听力 满分25分 第一节选出你所听到的单词,每小题念两遍。5分 1.a.herb.hisc.he 2.a.family b...


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