
发布 2023-03-11 08:28:28 阅读 8829






1gud / morning, ted!.

2. -how are you , bob? -i amfain /

3. what’s your namepli:z /?

4. it is amp / of china.

5. i like thewait / jacket.

me , what’s hertelifun]number?

7.--how do youspel/it? -p-e-n.

8.--what’s that ingl/ ?it’s a book

9i:z] are my parents.



what isit isi amname is5. that is___

3. 用“am, is ,are”填空 (5分)

how you ? i fine .③what his name ?

④ this jim. 5. those my friends.


) 1.早上老师进教室时,同学们对老师说。

a. hello b. how are you? c. good morning, mr /miss…! d. good afternoon!

) 2. 与a 含有相同因素的字母是a. d b. h c. f d. z

) 3. 英文缩写bbc的含义是a. 英国广播公司 b 不明飞行物 c 联合国 d光盘。

) 4. 含有相同元音音素的一组是

a. b d f b. a h k c. c d i d. h i j

) 5. 下面单词中字母a读音不同的选项是___a. jacket b. black c. name d. map

) 6. 下面单词中字母e读音不同的选项是___a. evening b. red c. pen d. yellow

) 7. –what color is the jacket? -it’sa. orange b. an orange c. a orange d. oranges

)8. -how __you ? i __fine, thanks. a. am, are b. am, is c. are , am d. are, is

)9 --hello, jim! nice to meet you

a. what’s your name ? b.

how are you ? c. nice to meet you, too !

d. how do you do?

)10. i __tony. what___your name ? a. am, am b. is, is c. is, am d. am, is

)11. this is __apple, and that is __orange. a. a, a b. a, an c. an, an d. an, a

) 12. –what’s thisa clock. a. this b. that c. its d. it’s

)13. what’s this english ? it’s a pen . a. at b. of c. in d. for

)14is the desk? –it’s green.

a. what b. what color c. what’s this d. what’s color

) 15. this is my friend. _name is mike. a. my b. your c. her d. his

)16. –what’s your phone number2356457. a. it’s b. its c. is d. it

)17. his name is jim green. _is his first name. _is his last name.

a. jim,green b. green, jim c. jim , jim d. green, green

)18. my name isa. alan miller b. alan miller c. alan miller d. alan miller

)19 in enlish, the last name is___name. a full b first c family d given

)20name is gina and name is tony

a. his ,his b. his ,her c. her ,her d. her ,his

)21. nine two nine three two 应写作

a. 92923 b. 99232 c. 92932 d. 92923

)22. my car number is 98765, i t reads (读。

a. nine ,eight, six ,seven ,five b. nine ,eight ,seven, six ,five c.

eight ,nine , seven , six , five

) 23. is this your pencila. yes ,it isn’t b. yes ,it is c. no ,it is

)24.--my name’s katelisa

a. what’s your name ? b. are you lisa ? c. what’s that ? d. how are you ?

)25. imike ,my phone number8930456.

a. am, is b. is ,am c. am ,am


this 26 our new teacher. 27 name is jenny brown. brown is her 28 name, jenny is her 29 name.

she is 30 . she give me(给我) 31 apple, the apple is __32__ 33_ name 34 lily. i’m a __35_.

) b. is

) and c

) b./

) d./

v. 阅读理解(15分) (a) 阅读短文,选择一个正确答案。

my name is tom. i’m ten years old. this is my mother(母亲).

her name is linda smith. her telephone number is 130and this is my father(父亲)。 his name is mike smith.

his phone number is 131and this is my sister(妹妹). what’s her name ? her name is mary.

look! the boy is my brother(兄弟) nick. mary is eight and nick is six.


2014 2015学年度第一学期期中试题。七年级英语。a卷 100分 姓名 班级得分 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式 10分 复数宾格 单三主格 复数对应词 lot of 同义词 单三形式 复数宾格形式 单项选择。每题1分,共20分 1.that?it s a drawer.2.代表 英国广播公司 的...

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