
发布 2023-02-23 00:01:28 阅读 2214









lot of(同义词)__单三形式)__



)1.—_that? —it’s a drawer.

)2. 代表“英国广播公司”的是:__

a. cctv b. bbcc. nba

)3. “is this your pen?” yes, _

a. isb. it’s c. it is


a. what’s this in english b. how do you spell it c. what’s that

)5. gina___my cousin. we___good firends.

a. is, are b. are, are c. are, is

)6. my mother___reading , but she __sports.

a. likes, don’tlike b. likes, doesn’t like c. like, doesn’t like

)7.—what color is your sweater?

-it’sa. the orangeb. an orangec. orange

)8. laura has five soccer __and one volleyball.

a. ball b. balls c. one ball

)9. -do you like playing computer games?

-no, it’s __

a. relaxing b. boring c. interesting

)10.--mum, where is my backpack?

is it under the bed?

don’t know b. excuse me c. it’s here

)11. thanks your family photo.

( )12. this is bob smith. you can call him mr

bob ) tv.

( )14与别人早晨打招呼时,你应该说:

a. good morning! b. hello!

c. what’s your name? d. fine, thank you.

( )15.—is this your key, john?

no,it isn’tis over there.

a. mine

( )16are good friends.

and and he and he

( )17is an english boy. name is frank.

a. his / hisb. he / his

( )18.—is she your aunt?

a. yes, she is b. yes, it is c. yes, he is

( )19. shetv every day.

a. watches

( )20. -tom , your pen looks really nice.

a. no, it isn’t b. wherec. thanks

用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空 (每题1分,共10分)

this in english?

2that) are my parents.

old ishis)?

isshe) backpack.

these your twobrother)?


8.--do you h**e a soccer ballno, ido not).

9do) she like apples?

isa) english book..


) is thisa. it′s gina′s father.

) is your family nameb. they are on the floor.

) do you doc. it′s “v”.

) play volleyballd. no, he doesn′t.

) are my bookse. yes,he is

) he your brotherf. yes. k-e-y.

) color is itg. ok

) you spell ith. it′s black and white.

) he like pearsi. my family name is zhang.

) thatj. how do you do?


1 gina is herritfs) name .

2. are they yourpranest)?

3. do you h**e a __sbakebtall)?

4. is it __nuedr) the desk ?

5. i don’t liketoamtsoe).


1.does d**id like bananas?(作否定回答)

no2.are those your keys?(改为单数形式)

your key?

3.the apples are on the table.(对划线部分提问)

the apples?

4.i h**e a basketball.(用tom代替i)

a basketball.

5.i’m sonia. (改为同义句。




济南舜文中学2011 2012学年上学期第二次单元测试。七年级英语学科单元测试题。字母书写 5分 1 请写出五个元音字母的大小写。ii.词汇 10分 1.根据所给句子和音标写出单词。1gud morning,ted 2.how are you bob?i amfain 3.what s your n...

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