
发布 2023-02-19 08:05:28 阅读 7403


blue pen father bed baseball

sofa volleyball sister white pencil




book+case→book case

isn’t=is not



pencil case is red___white.

c.\ 2.- is she a students? -yes, _

is her is is

3.- what’s this in english?

a key isn’t

is black

are my___

brown,this __zhang lin,my friend.

6. _name is julia. _is carol’s sister., she , he , she , he


8.- is it___gold ring?

no,it’s her gold ring.

9it’s a pencil sharpener.

it his pencil sharpener?

this your pencil sharpener?

this? is it?

10. _alarm clock and __pen are on the computer desk., a , an , a , an

you __the keys___me?

a. take , to ,to ,to ,to

my pen and pencil?

13.- is the notebook under the bed?

i can’t see it.

aren’t. is.

isn’t. are.


play plays

play plays

tv every day.

watch16.- do you h**e a tv?

is h**e.

do do17. _that boy___a great sports collection?, h**e , h**e , has , has

18.- your family photo is very nice.

are right. is.

you. 19.- let’s play compute games.

- great! that___

boring difficult

interesting interesting

20your mother watch tv every day?

__she doesn’t like watching tv.

a. does ; no,she doesn’t ; yes,she does

; no,she ; yes,she do


例:where is are the backpack.

1. is this these your volleyball?

2. what’s is your name?

3. she he is my sister.

4. does do lily h**e a watch?

5. is that his a room?


1. telephone ,his ,is ,number ,278-6950 (.

2. at ,call ,please ,gina ,5296403 (.

3. plant ,the ,is ,floor ,the ,on (.

4. mary ,play ,does ,sports (?

5. is ,computer ,the ,game ,where (?

五、alice到lost and found case找自己的身份证。下面是她与clerk的一段对话,请将对话重新排序,并将其字母标号依次填入下面的方框内。(5分)

a. is this your id card?

b. here you are.

c. excuse can’t find(找到) my id card.

d. what’s your name?

e. green smith.

f. thank you.

g. yes.



yes? 1 is my tennis ball?

i don’t 2 .is it under the bed?

no,it 3 .

oh,look!is 4 your tennis ball?

yes,it you. 5 play tennis.

don’t 6 a tennis racket?

oh, 7 you h**e a basketball?

yes,i do.

let’s 8 9 .

that 10 good.


1. is this your pencil sharpener? (做否定回答)

2. this is my sister. (改为复数形式)

3. the notebook is on the dresser. (对划线部分提问)

4. peter has a baseball. (改为一般疑问句)

5. mike and jane h**e a big room. (改为否定句)


教师 秦小红。班级姓名 一 单项选择。1 俗话说 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。要建立一个新的集体,需要我们沟通努力。下列做法不利于建设良好班集体的是 a 大家为集体各尽所能,发挥所长 b 集体成员团结协作,互助前行。c 各成员找准位置,各显其能,奉献集体 d 每个成员张扬个性,以我为主。2 对于...


你是这样说服的 6.现在很多广告宣传语刻意改动成语,以达到吸引消费者的目的,请还原下列广告宣传词语,先找出改动的字,再把正确的字写在括号中 2 一明惊人 某眼病 广告语还原为 饮以为荣 某饮料广告语还原为 第二部分阅读理解 共44分 一 阅读下面文言文语段,完成7 12题。14分 论语 十则。1 子...


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