
发布 2023-04-22 04:31:28 阅读 5615





ii.听句子,填入所缺的单词。(5分)1. anna is my

2. my telephone number is

3. jim's last name is4. heris on the chair.

5. doesh**e a ball?iii.听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)

1. who has a computer game?a. jack b. mike c. mary d. tom

2. what kind of ball does jane h**e?

a. a baseball. b. a a soccer ball. d. a volleyball.

3. what does mary like?a. ice cream. b. salad.

c. hamburger. d. broccoli.4. -who is john?

he's ann's___

a. brother b. sisterc. friend d. uncle

5. where is the man's tennis racket?a. behind the sofa.

b. on the under the sofa.

d. behind the chair.


my name is sue read. i'm (1i'm (2this is my school. it's a big and(3)__school.

myenglish teacheris (4)__green. at schooli h**ea goodfriend,hisname is pale. he is (5



找出一个划线部分读音与其他三项划线部分读音不同的词。1. a. name b. apple c. game d. take

2. a. blue b. run c. but d. club

3. a. too b.

good c. soon d. school4.

a. three b. thank c.

these d. healthy

5. a. cream b. great c. eat d. readii.词汇。(10分)

a)根据首字母提示或汉语意思,补全所缺单词。(5分)1. what's your t___number?

2. please t___these things to your brother.

3. here's my理想的)room.

4. we h**e a c___俱乐部)in our school.

5. his brother eats lots of健康的) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

1. what can you see inthis) pictures?2. english is veryinterest).

3. i don't liketomato).

4. therebe) many things in my room.

5. tom likes running and he is a goodrun).

iii.单项选择。(10分)1.―what's that?

it'sm".a. a b. an c. the d. this

2is this your pencil case?

a. sorry b. i'm sorry

c. excuse me d. hello

3.my father likestv. he __tv every evening.

a. watches; watches b. watching; watchc. watching; watches d. watch; watches

4. does she h**e twoa. baseball bats b. baseballs bats

c. baseball bat d. baseballs bat

5. let' go to home b. to go home

c. go home d. to go to homeiv.句型转换。(10分)

1. his pen is on the desk.(对划线部分提问is his pen?

2. li ming has some interesting books.(变为一般疑问句li minginteresting books?

3. this is an apple tree. (变为复数句)


4. she likes eggs for breakfast.(对划线部分提问)

shefor breakfast?5. every, watch, they, tv, day (连词成句)


a: 1li ming. whose white cat 23___your cat?

b: let me 4oh, no, it's not my cat. i think it's wang lei's. 5___is brown.

a: wang lei, look 6___the cat behind the tree. is it your cat?

c: sorry, it isn't. my cat is black and white. i think 7___looks like mary's.

a: who's mary?

c: she's my friend. look! she's on that chair. let's go and 8___her.

a: ok! let's go.

c: hi! mary. is that your cat?d: oh, yes, it's my cat. 9___

a and c: 10___阅读理解。(10分)

hello! my name is mike. i am from the usa.

now i am in china with my parents. i like like chinese food, too. i h**e breakfast at home.

i eat an egg, bread and porridge (粥) forbreakfast. i do not like milk. i h**e no time to go home for lunch.

so i h**e it at school. i h**e noodles (面条) and dumplings (饺子). i h**e dinner at home with my we go out to eat with friends.

we h**e chicken, vegetables and fruit.

根据短文内容选择最佳答案。1. mike is

a. american b. english

c. chinese d. in the usa

2. for breakfast, mike has

a. an egg, an apple and porridgeb. an egg, bread and porridge

c. an apple, bread and milk

d. an egg, an apple and bread3. he has lunch

a. at school b. at home

c. in a restaurant d. with his parents

4. he hasfor rice, meat and vegetables

b. dumplings and noodles

c. chicken, meat and fruitd. a and b

5. sometimes they h**e dinnera. at school

b. in a restaurant with some friendsc. at his friend's home

d. in the open airvii.情景反应。(10分)


iii1. where are your books?2.

what color is it?3. does she like salad?

4. i like apples. do you like apples?

a. it's red.

b. yes, i yes, she does.

d. that sounds good.

5. let's play soccer they're on thechair.






mrs zhang



add205 shanghai road, qingdao


i. 1. a. this is my gold here is a photo of my family.

c. this is not a photo.

d. this is a map.

2. a. my backpack is on the table.

b. my backpack is under the my backpack is on the sofa.

d. my backpack is on the bed.

3. a. i like baseball. let's play baseball.

b. i like volleyball. let's play volleyball.

c. i like english. let's learn english.

d. i like hamburgers. let's h**e some hamburgers.4. a. these white socks are $3.

b. this t-shirt is $ this green sweater is $20.

d. this basketball is $5.

5. a. hello! my name is gina. this is my sister, ann.

b. hi. i'm alice. this is my mother, lisa.

c. this is not my soccer ball. it's his soccer this ruler is short. that one is long.

1-5 abdaa)

ii. 1. anna is my aunt.

2. my telephone number is 7831756.3. jim's last name is black.

4. her backpack is on the chair.5. does peter h**e a ball?

1. aunt 2. 7831756 3. black 4. backpack 5. peter)

iii.1. m: hi, mary! do you h**e a computer game?

w: no, i don't. but mike has one.

2. m: hello. jane! do you h**e a baseball?

w: no, i don't. i h**e a volleyball.

3. m: i like salad. do you like salad, mary?

w: no, i don't. i like ice cream.4. m: is john your brother, ann?

w: no, he's my friend.

5. m: where is my tennis racket?

w: look, it's behind the sofa.(1-5 bdaca)

iv. my name is sue read. i'm eleven.

i'm english. this is my school. it's a big and niceschool.

my english teacher is mr green. at school i h**e a good friend, his name is pale. he istwelve.

1. eleven 2. english 3. nice 4. mr 5. twelve)

笔试部分i. 1-5 babcb

ii. a)

b) 字母m的第一个音素是元音,所以不定冠词用an。当打扰对方时用excuseme.当在事后表示对自己的错误进行道歉时,用i'第一句是likedoingsth,第二句根据everyevening,应用一般现在时的单数形式。

4. a. baseball bat是"棒球球拍",这是复合名词,当它变为复数时,只将后一名词变为复数。

5. c.以let's开头的祈使句后应加动词原形;"回家"应是go home,中间不加to。

iv. 1. where h**e any apple trees does, like watch tv everyday

v. 1. excuse me 2.

is this it a look / see 5. my cat / mine 6. at thank you / thanks 10.

you are / you're

vi. 1-5 abadb

vii. 1-5 eacbd

viii. one possible version:

my name is wang lin. i am a boy of thirteen. i am in class 3, grade 1.

my english teacheris mrs zhang. i like playing soccer after class. my phone number is 3538932.

my home is at 205shanghai road, qingdao. welcome to my home!


上学期期中测试题 作者 余生泽綦荣亮单桂才 听力部分 共20分 i.看图听句子,选择与图画内容相符的选项。5分 ii.听句子,填入所缺的单词。5分 1.anna is my 2.my telephone number is 3.jim s last name is 4.heris on the ch...


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