
发布 2023-04-22 10:11:28 阅读 3532




i. 听录音,判断每组中的单词与所听到的单词是(y)、否(n)含有相同的元音音素。(5分)

1. kate, cake, take, game

2. like, buy, my, hi

3. cool, blue, who, too

4. meet, see, he, green

5. no, go, hope, phone

ii. 听对话,补全对话中所缺的单词。(5分)

m: let's play baseball.

w: i don't h**e a baseball.

m: well. let's play__1__.

w: that sounds fun. where's __2__ tennis racket?

m: it's in my backpack. do you h**e a tennis racket?

w: no, i don't. i h**e a__3__ball and a volleyball.

does your sister h**e a tennis racket?

m: no, she doesn't. she plays__4__.

w: then let's play soccer.

m: that sounds__5__.

iii. 听对话,选择与你所听到的内容相同或相近的选项。(5分)

1. a. nancy likes french fries.

b. nancy doesn't like french fries.

c. nancy likes ice cream.

d. nancy doesn't like ice cream.

2. a. it's a photo of mary's father and mother.

b. it's a photo of mary's grandfather and grandmother.

c. it's a photo of mary's brothers.

d. it's a photo of mary's sisters.

3. a. rose has a short ruler.

b. rose has a long ruler.

c. the boy has a long ruler.

d. rose doesn't h**e a long ruler.

4. a. alice is under the table.

b. the cap is on the table.

c. the cap is under the table.

d. alice has a cap.

5. a. amy likes to play basketball.

b. amy likes to play soccer.

c. amy doesn't like to play basketball.

d. amy doesn't like to play soccer.

iv. 看图,听录音,选择与你所听到的内容相符的图画。(5分)


i. 语音。选出划线部分与所给字母读音相同的单词。(5分)

1. a a. bag b. eraser c. car d. banana

2. e a. sheep b. very c. pencil d. egg

3. i a. sit b. big c. bike d. english

4. o a. orange b. two c. no d. not

5. u a. you b. cup c. number d. bus

ii. 单项选择。(5分)

1. what __telephone number?

a. are you b. is your

c. are your d. your is

2. please call mary __354-6403.

a. in b. at c. to d. of

3. it's __old photo. _photo is on the wall.

a. /a b. a; the c. the; a d. an; the

4. i h**e __food at home.

a. lot of b. a lot of c. a lot d. a lots of

5. he doesn't play sports-he only___them __tv.

a. watches, on b. looks, on c. looks at, in d. watches, in

iii. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。(10分)

1. what's her qq __

2. is that __backpack?

3. my baseball is __the bed.

4. can you __these books to the classroom?

5. that __too boring.

iv. 单句改错。找出每句中的一处错误并改正。(10分)

1. is(a) these(b) your(c) books(d)?

2. these(a) are(b) my(c) baseball(d).

3. that(a) are(b) english(c) names(d).

4. can(a) you bring(b) some(c) thing(d) to school?

5. ―how(a) are you(b)?

i'm good(c). thank you(d).

v. 句型转换。(10分)


1. sport, is, interesting, an, football (连词成句)

2. the plant is next to the sofa. the plant is next to the table. (合并为一句)

the plant is __the sofa __the table.

3. she plays sports every day. (改为一般疑问句)

___she __sports every day?

4. that isn't my key. (改为复数句)

our keys.

5. their dictionaries are on the table. (对划线部分提问)

their dictionaries?

vi. 阅读理解。(10分)

mr smith is an english man. he teaches english well. his english classes are very interesting.

he likes us and we like him, too.

mr smith has two children-tom and mary. tom is seven and his sister, mary, is four. tom goes to school but mary doesn't.

mr smith likes wearing a t-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). football is his f**orite sport. after school we often h**e a baseball match.

sometimes mr smith watches and joins us. he plays baseball just for fun.


1. mr smith is __

a. a chinese teacher b. an english driver

c. a japanese teacher d. an english teacher

2. how many sons does mr smith h**e?

a. only one. b. two.

c. three. d. not many.

3. mary doesn't go to school because __

a. she looks beautiful

b. she is seven

c. she is only four

d. she doesn't like school

4. _is mr smith's f**orite sport.

a. baseball b. football

c. running d. volleyball

5. the story (故事) is about __

a. mr smith's son b. mr smith

c. tom and mary d. a basketball

vii. 完成对话。(10分)


a: good afternoon! (1)__

b: yes, please. my shirt is old. i want to buy a new one.

a: (2)__

b: blue.

a: (3)__

b: (4)__

a: 28 dollars.

b: that's a good price. (5)__thanks.

a: that's ok.

viii. 阅读填词。(1分)


上学期期中测试题。作者 余生泽綦荣亮单桂才。听力部分 共20分 i.看图听句子,选择与图画内容相符的选项。5分 ii.听句子,填入所缺的单词。5分 1.anna is my 2.my telephone number is 3.jim s last name is4.heris on the cha...


上学期期中测试题 作者 余生泽綦荣亮单桂才 听力部分 共20分 i.看图听句子,选择与图画内容相符的选项。5分 ii.听句子,填入所缺的单词。5分 1.anna is my 2.my telephone number is 3.jim s last name is 4.heris on the ch...


新目标七年级 上 期中测试。i.词汇训练营。10分 a 给下列句子选择合适的 并用其正确的英语表达完成句子。1.linda has两个排球 one is black,the other is red.2.there is 有一块橡皮 in my pencil case.3.tom has a足球 h...