
发布 2023-03-08 22:09:28 阅读 7396







一、 听力(共15小题, 第1-10题,每题1分, 第11-15题,每题2分,共20分)


) is the backpack?

) this in english?

abc. ) does the boy h**e?

abc. ) his telephone number?abc.

) 5. who are in the picture?


) 6. what’s the girl’s name?

a. she’s mary b. she’s jenny c. she’s gina

) 7. what’s this?

a. it’s a penb. it’s a pencil. c. it’s a pencil sharpener.

) 8. where is the notebook?

a. in the bedb. on the bed. c. under the bed.

) 9. is mrs green lucy’s mother?

a. yes, she isb. no, she isn’t. c. yes, he is.

) 10. what color is tom’s hat?

a. blueb. whitec. blue and white.

第三节:听小对话,回答问题。 (读两遍)


) 11. what color is jeff’s watch?

a. blue. b. green. c. yellow.

) 12. who is d**e?

a. peter’s brother. b. cindy’s friend. c. jeff’s brother.


) 13. who has a football?

a. jack. b. gina. c. tom.

) 14. who likes basketball?

a. jack. b. gina. c. tom.

) 15. what does tom like?

a. football. b. basketball. c. volleyball.



) 16. this is __ruler and that’s __eraser.

a. a; a b. a; an c. an; a d. an; an

) 17. -where is jenny? -she’s inroom.

a. her b. he c. you d. she

) 18. thanks __the photo of your family.

a. at b. of c. for d. in

) 19do you spell “bookb-o-o-k.

a. what b. how c. where d. who

) 20youa ping-pong bat?

-yes, i h**e two.

a. does, has b. do, h**e c. does, h**e d. do, has

) 21. -your english is very good

a. no, it isn’t. b. thank you c. not very good d. i am sorry

) 22. -she your mother? -no, sheshe’s my aunt.

a. are, am b. is, is c. is, isn’td. is, aren’t

) 23what’s this in english? -it’s a key.

a. sorry b. hello c. hi d. excuse me

) 24. -where is my jacket

a. it’s on the bedb. it’s black.

c. they are under the chair. d. they are in the bookcase.

) 25. what’s the boy’s answer?

a. that sounds good. b. no, i don’t h**e a pen.

c. yes, i dod. no, it isn’t.


look at the girl. she is 26 good friend. she is 27 english girl.

28 name is kate. 29 eight. my 30 is fangfang.

31 a chinese girl. i’m nine.

kate 32 a great sports collection. she has 33 tennis racket, three basketballs, and five baseballs, but i only 34 a soccer ball. kate and i both (都) 35 sports every day.

) 26. a. his b. her c. yourd. my

) 27. a. a b. an c. thed. \

) 28. a. his b. she c. herd. she’s

) 29. a. she b. she’s c. herd. her’s

) 30. a. name b. book c. friend d. bag

) 31. a. i b. i’m c. shed. she’s

) 32. a. h**e b. has c. doesn’t h**e d. don’t h**e

) 33. a. one b. two c. threed. five

) 34. a. has b. h**e c. doesn’t h**e d. don’t h**e

) 35. a. plays b. play c. playing d. to play


a)mary 9:45 in the morning

hi, jim. nice to meet you!

i’m a girl. my name is mary white. my f**orite (最喜爱的) color is red.

my telephone number is 873-3516. i like to play tennis.

jim 9:46 in the morning

hi, mary. nice to meet you, too!

i’m a boy. my name’s jim hand. my f**orite color is blue.

and my telephone number is 894-2015. i like to play baseball.


) 36. mary likes


2005学年第一学期七年级上英语期中试卷。出卷人 吴红燕审核人 林仙芝干江中学。第一部分听力部分 20分 一 听力 共15小题,第1 10题,每题1分,第11 15题,每题2分,共20分 第一节 听对话,选择 is the backpack?are they talking about?the gi...


2005学年第一学期七年级上英语期中试卷。出卷人 吴红燕审核人 林仙芝干江中学。第一部分听力部分 20分 一 听力 共15小题,第1 10题,每题1分,第11 15题,每题2分,共20分 第一节 听对话,选择 is the backpack?are they talking about?the gi...


曲阜市2014 2015学年度上学期期中教学质量检测。七年级英语试题 注意事项 1.本试卷分第 卷和第 卷两部分,第 卷为选择题,55分 第 卷为非选择题,45分 共100分。考试时间为120分钟 含听力20分钟 共10页。2.答第 卷时,必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写。不准使用涂改液 胶带纸...