
发布 2023-03-06 17:52:28 阅读 9741






abcabc第二节: 听对话答题,下面你将听到4段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(10分)


)6. how’s john’s uncle, john?

a. he is ill. b. he’s finec. he’s at home.

)7. does john drive or ride to work every day?

a. he rides to work. b. he likes walking. c. he doesn’t h**e a car.


)8. how long does it take kenny to walk to school from your home?

a. 10 minutes later. b. about 10 minutes. c. 10 minutes ago.

)9. does kenny like swimming in summer?

a. yes. b. noc. i don’t know.

)10. how often does jenny go swimming?

a. twice a week. b. on footc. i like skating there.


)11. what’s jane’s father doing?

a. readingb. watching tvc. sleeping.

)12. how does jane go to school?

a. by busb. by carc. on foot.

)13. how many rooms are there in jane’s house?

a. sixb. fivec. four.


)14. what time does tom usually get up in the morning?

a. at 7:15b. at 7:10c. at 7:20.

)15. what color does tom like best?

a. greenb. redc. blue.


)16. what class are the girls in?

a. in class 8, grade 2. b. in class 2, grade 8. c. in class 3, grade 8.

)17. who does well in singing and dancing?

a. wang hui. b. li hongc. yang fang.

)18. what does li hong enjoy?

a. she enjoys writing. b. she enjoys drawing. c. she enjoys reading novels.

)19. what’s yang fang’s f**orite sport?

a. playing table tennis. b. playing basketball. c. playing volleyball.

)20. what does zhang mei usually do at the weekend?

a. she usually plays games with her friends.

b. she usually does some shopping with her mother.

c. she usually helps her parents do the housework at home.

ii. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)

)21. he can play __volleyball, but he can’t play___violin.

a. the, a b. /thec. thed. a, the

)22. my brother is good __sports, and he is good __his friends.

a. for, at b. with, for c. at, for d. at, with

)23. he usually helps me __the housework.

a. with b. to doc. do d. a、b and c

)24. -can you __it in english?

--no, i can’t.

a. speak b. sayc. tell d. says

)25do you eat lunch?

--at 12:00.

a. what time b. who c. why d. where

)26. there __a boy and two girls in the music room, they are singing.

a. isb. arec. has d. h**e

)27. myschoolisn’

)28. it’s eight now. it’s time __

a. go to school b. go to the bed c. to go to school d. go home

)29hesleepsallday, heisverylazy.

)30is it from your home to school?

a. how far b. how long c. how soon d. how often

)31. it them about half an hour to get to school every day.

a. spendsb. costsc. paysd. takes

)32. i h**e _ rules in my home. we h**e __homework to do today.

a. too many, too much b. too much , many too

c. too many, much too d. much too, many too

)33. the girl is shy.

a. very much b. a kind of c. kind of d. little

)34. i can’t sing dance. he can’t

a. or, either b. and, too c. or, too d. and, either

) is a __musician, shecanplay music very .

good well well good



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