七年级 下 英语复习 1

发布 2023-02-21 16:44:28 阅读 4831


unit 5 topic 1 how do you usually go to school?


on 快点,加油。

up early早起。

bike 骑自行车。



foot 步行。

the school gate 在校门口。

new year! 新年好!

same to you. 同样祝贺你。

about six o'clock 大约六点钟。

a subway=by subway 乘地下铁道。

a bike =by bike 骑自行车。

foot 步行。

a bus =by bus 乘公交车

weekends=on the weekend 在周末。

weekdays 在平时(除周末)

to school 到校。

one’s homework 作家庭作业。

a movie看电影。


lunch 吃午饭。

a short rest 休息片刻。

their free time 在业余时间。

basketball 打篮球。

football/soccer 踢足球。

breakfast/lunch/supper 早/午/晚饭后。

school /class 放学/下课后。

the library 在图书馆里。

times a week


to music 听**。

a little while=a short time 一会儿。

swimming 去游泳。

school days 在上学的日子。

so on 等等。

no more time没有更多的时间。

the guitar 弹吉他。

day 简的一天。

four classes 上四节课。

friends 会见朋友。

home 到家。

to bed 去。


1、how do you usually come to school ?你通常怎样来学校?

2、your new bike looks very nice. 你的新自行车看起来很漂亮。

3、do you often come to school by bike? 你经常骑自行车上学吗?

4、 come on! it’s time for class. 快点!该上课了。

5、maria sometimes takes the subway home=maria sometimes goes home by subway.


6、li xiang often rides a bike to school.=li xiang often goes to school by bike.


7、what time do you usually get up on weekdays? 周日你几点起床?

8、the early bird catches the worm. 笨鸟先飞(谚语)。

9、i usually go to school on foot. 我通常步行上学。

10、i seldom walk to school.=i seldom go to school on foot. 我极少步行上学。

11、i always take a bus to school.=i always go to school by bus. 我总是乘公共汽车上学。

12、very few students ride bikes.很少学生骑车。

13、what time is school over? 学校几点放学?

14、they often play basketball or football, go swimming and so on.


15、nice talking to you.很高兴和你谈话。

16、work must come first. 工作应放在第一位。

17、how often do you go to the library? 你多久去一次图书馆?

18、once/twice/three time a week/very often/every day/seldom…


19、we’d like to know about the school life of american students.


20、what does hai qing usually do after school? he usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball. 海清放学后通常干什么?


21、classes begin at eight.八点开始上课。

unit 5 topic2 he is running on the playground.


1. 制做卡片make cards

2.在图书馆in the library

3.踢足球play soccer

4.在操场上on the playground

5.在体操房in the gym

6.此刻at the moment

7.教学楼classroom building

8.教师办公室teachers’ office

9.向某人借某物borrow sth. from sb.

11.在书架上on the shelf

12.寻找look for

13.在某方面做得好do well in/ be good at

14.仍然要谢你thank you all the same

15.失物招领处lost and found

16.穿戴上put on

17.听**listen to music

18.做作业do one’s homework

19.写信write letters

20.擦黑板clean the blackboard

21.在教室的后面at the back of the classroom

22. 一些学生a few students

23. 画画draw pictures

24. 玩电脑play on the computer

25. 爱游泳love swimming

26. 当然可以of course

27. 还有什么呢what else?

28. 准时on time

29. 带领某人参观show sb. around

30. 举行一场足球比赛h**e a soccer game

31. 别客气it’s a pleasure.

32. 与某人交谈talk to sb./ talk with sb.


looking for my purse. 我在找钱包。

2. are you doing your homework? yes, i am. /no, i’m not.


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