
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:54 阅读 3889


班级姓名。一. 英汉互译。



7.变得高兴起来 for___

9.征召 about

二. 翻译句子。


3. 使某人做某事4.决定做某事。

5. i’d likepeople.


boy could helpthe city park.


三. 填词的正确形式。

1. his teacher made himclean) up the classroom.

2. she decidedhelp) homeless people.

3. please tell mehow) care for animals.

4. he got up earlygive out) notices today.

5. i know it is importantlearn) english well.




1. his teacher made him打扫) the classroom.

2. she decided帮助) homeless people.

3. she got up early分发) notices today.

4. he often helps his mom做晚餐) .


clerk: may i help you, miss?

annaclerk: what color are you looking for?

anna: i am not sure.

clerk: here's a green one.

anna: it’s too deep. can you give me a lighter one?

clerkanna: size is thirty-four. do you h**e that one in my size?

clerk: yes, here it is.

annaclerk: it is 8 dollars.

annaclerk: thank you.

annaa. yes, thank you. i'd like to buy a skirt.

b. here you are.

c. how much is it?

d. we h**e this one . what size do you take?

e. you are welcome


away2. set up

a difference4. give out

off7. be similar to8. send to


) room is dirty ,you must

a. clean it up b. clean up it c. clean them up d. clean up them

) 2. heto help the sick in the past three years.

a. is a volunteer b. will be a volunteer c. volunteered d. volunteer

) 3. we shouldanimals .they are our friends.

a. care for b. hand out c. give out d. call up

) 4. he used toa teacher , but now ha is a reporter.

a. is b. will be c. be d. was

) 5. i would like to

a. help out himb. help him out

c. help him out withd. help out with him


1. we can noth**ing a meeting.


2. you should notyour hope.



dinah was a very 1azy girl.her mother always asked her to learn to read, _1 __she didn't.it was disappointing.her mother was __2__ about that. one morning,dinah just __3__ and was looking through the window.she saw her cousin skating on the __4__.he was wearing a pair of shoes she had never __5__ before.it was a pair of roller-skates(旱冰鞋).dinah thought it was interesting to __6__ on the street.she got up quickly and went outside.she asked her cousin if she __7__ try his shoes on.her cousin said to her,”i know that your __8__ has been asking you to learn to read,but you h**en’t 1earned.it is just because you are __9__.if you can read by new year’s day,1 will send you a pair of __10__ like this.”

from then on,dinah read every day and began to like reading.on new year’s day she received a pair of roller—skates from her cousin.

)1.a.but b.and c.or d.as

)2.a.excited b.upset c.surprised d.relaxed

)3.a.fell asleep b.got out c.woke up d.came in

)4.a.street b.lake c.park d.ice

)5.a.visited b.heard c.written d.seen

)6.a.walk b.ride c.skate d.dance

)7.a.should b.could c.must d.would

)8.a.mother b.teacher c.father d.sister

)9.a.poor b.br**e c.lazy d.young

)10.a.jeans b.socks c.glasses d.shoes


1.would you mind notsmoke)in the dining room?

2.connieenter)the dance competition last year and got the first prize.

3.our teacher alwaysencourage)us to read more books.

4.his mother was ****** breakfast when hewake)up this morning.

5.how much money h**e theyraise)since last year?

6.if you don’t finish your homework,your teacherbe)mad at you.



bobwell with people around him.


wea greatlast night in your home.


itellen two hoursclean the room.


my toy isinterestingyours


it’sto go to the countryside for vacation.


第一课时。一 英汉互译。up with2.放弃 up with4.打扫干净。out6.打扫干净7.推迟。8.变得高兴起来 for about二 翻译句子。1.帮助某人做某事2.要求某人做某事。3.计划做某事4.需要做某事。likepeople.我想帮助无家可归的人。boy could helpthe...


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