
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 5617


1)三会句子:what’s your hobby? i like collecting stamps.

(2)四会动词短语的ing形式:collectingstamps,ridingabike,diving, playing the violin, ****** kites.2.



2)能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collectingstamps,riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, ****** kites.3.





2.教师准备a部分let's learn的单词卡片。3.教师准备有邮票、风筝等**的课件。四、教学过程:step 1 warm-up

sing a song with the students .

设计意图:通过歌曲渲染气氛,使学生快速进入到英语学习状态。)step 2 revision

1、teacher does some actions ,get the students to guess thephrases .for example :read a book, draw pictures , listen tothe music , play football, etc.




设计意图:通过与学生的自由交谈,练习句型,为本课动词ing形式的运用埋下伏笔。)step 3 new concept

1、teachershows a kitetothestudents :look ,what’sthis?do you like flying kites ?

get the students to answer . thenteachershowsthecai,look,whatishedoing?(******kites)teach the new phrase.

2、teacherdotheactions:rideabikeandplaytheviolin,getthe students to guess and learn the new phrases .

3、teacher shows the cai, get the students to look at thepictures about diving, learn the new word.

4、teacher shows the stamps , learn the new phrase.

设计意图:通过实物、动作、**等各种形式,对新词语进行呈现,让学生通过不同的方式感知新短语。)step 4 practice

1、.2、read the phrases in different ways .

3、workin groups,onestudent actout the phrase,theothersguess.

设计意图:通过跟读,为学生正音,通过各种有趣的操练,使学生在最短时间内掌握短语。)step 5 new concept

teacherdrawsapictureontheblackboardandsay:ilikedrawingpictures . then , teacher shows some pictures to the students :

look , theyare my picture works , i like drawing , my hobby is drawing pictures.(write “hobby” on the blackboard.) teach the new word.

t: what’s my hobby ? i like drawing pictures .(write “i like …”on theblackboard)

then ask : what’s your hobby ? help the students answer the question.


step 6 practice

get the students to work in pairs , talk about their hobbies .

getthestudentstomakeasurvey,asksomeclassmatesabouttheirhobbies .

设计意图:为学生创设真实情景,使其能在语境中练习语言。)step 7 chant

make a chant using the new phrases and sentences in this hobby, hobby , what’s your hobby ?diving ,diving , i like diving .hobby , hobby , what’s your hobby ?

****** , ****** , i like ****** kites.


get the students to ask their friend about their hobbies.


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